海外在住の方のために、日本の商品の購入をサポートします (海外転送、商品購入代行など)

Tag Archives: Japan news

March 11 Japan earthquake (Tōhoku) / 3.11東日本大震災

Was it a year ago? The big earthquake which amounted to a near 20 thousand deaths and people missing.

On that day, the seismograph registered an intensity 5 even in Tokyo. For the first time, I experienced such strong quake. I could recall that the building was swaying so much that I wouldn’t be surprised if it came tumbling down.

Though what I had experienced was nothing compared to people in Tohoku (Northeast) & Fukushima who lost their family members and homes due to the tusnami, the impact was so big that I could vividly remember until now.

Today, Japan’s TV host special program about 3.11. I was made to recall once again how powerless humans are towards earthquakes and tsunami, when painful images of the day were played.

I recalled Jupiter, a song by Ayaka Hirahara.
It was originally released in year 2003, but there was an increased dedication request recently, after the earthquake. It was said that this song somehow bring hopes to lots of people.



今日は一日中、テレビ朝日は, 3.11に関する特集番組を組んでいて、今も続いています。


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Next generation vending machine / 次世代飲料自販機

This new generation intelligent beverage vending machine has been the talk of the town since its release last year end.

I had my first encounter with it within the train station itself. To my amazement, the machine’s size is big! Not only is the display liquid crystal of supreme high quality, its touch screen operation and also equipped with innovative functions. In short, high-tech and images are crystal clear.

駅の構内に設置してある,話題のacure(アキュア)という名前のとても賢い自販機を紹介します。まず,とにかくサイズが大きいことに驚きます Σ(○д○ノ)ノ


Firstly, I did a little observing on the machine from some distance away. When nobody was around, the machine will auto display beverages which it “analysed” best suits the temperature and time.

★ ちょっと離れたところで,観察してみます。人がいないと,その時の時間帯・気温に合わせた大きな商品イメージを表示します。


Vending machine image

Next, I went a bit closer to the machine (within sensor boundary). The screen automatically switched to show the list of available beverages. Is it my imagination that all beverages look delicious?



Beverage list

Then I proceeded to position myself right in front of the machine. And know what? The machine tried to recommend drinks that it thought best suited me, by displaying “For you” indications besides some of the beverages.
According to information by maker, this machine actually made recommendations after analyzing customer’s age, gender, time and temperature during purchase. Wow, cool! Doesn’t it sound superb to have a machine estimating your age? They probably count wrinkles, blemishes…

★ さらに近づくと・・・いくつかの商品に『おすすめ』マークが表示されました。この自販機、客の年代と性別を判定し,さらに時間帯や日の気温も考慮して,お薦めの商品を決めるとのこと。お見事!


Beverage auto selection

And what you had chosen will be shown large on the screen. After confirming the price and item, pay and that’s it. You still have the option to cancel this transaction! Isn’t it convenient?

そして商品を選ぶとそれが大きく表示され,値段と商品を確認してから,商品を購入す ることができます。キャンセルもできますよ。便利ですね d(^o^)b ィィんえ


Chosen beverage

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Elpida / エルピーダ

I was quite shock to hear the news that Elpida, a semi-conductor company filed for bankruptcy yesterday. This news is heart-rending as my previous job in Singapore, in a semi-conductor company had given me opportunities to work with many wonderful Japanese companies and Elpida was one of them. It had been a very memorable experience in my life.

Elpida was made up of NEC and Hitachi which manufactures memory chips. They are Japan’s only surviving DRAM maker and are supposed to have the top technology in the world. It comes as a great pity that they need to abandon DRAM business.

I think nobody can deny that Japan’s brands has very high class and high quality image. Somehow, it is very ironical that it took decades to build a name, but one moment is all it takes to become a “legend”. I really hope that they will make a comeback someday.





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Correspondence courses (Japan) / 資格と特技の講座

Correspondence courses leaflet was attached when I tried to buy magazine in a book store. The courses were all about specialties and qualifications. In Japan, there are so many distance leaning courses that you might not even heard of some of the names before. Is this the same in your country?

啓文堂書店という本屋で,雑誌を買ったら『資格と特技に関する通信講座の特集』とい うリーフレットが付いてきました。ユーキャンという会社の宣伝ですね。日本では,自宅で学習できる通信講座の種類がとても多く,名前を聞いたこともない講座まであります。

I counted. This company has a total of 114 courses for one to choose from.

★ 数えてみたら,この会社の講座は全部で114種類もあリました。

Ranking on top 20 popular courses were consolidated. And don’t be surprised that top in the ranking is the “handwriting” course. So maybe a lot of Japanese yearn to have nice handwriting (?+_+)!?

★ 人気講座ランキングがTop20まで載っていました。一位は何と『ボールペン字』という講座です。やはりみんなきれいな字に憧れるんですね (゚ー゚*;)ナルホド

1: Handwriting / ボールペン字
2: Medical office administrator / 医療事務
3: Pharmacopoeia administrator / 調剤薬局事務
4: Notary public / 行政書士
5: Nursing care manager / ケアマネジャー
6: Real estate agent / 宅建取引主任者
7: Child care / 保育士
8: Nursing care administrator / 介護事務
9: Bookkeeping (Level 3) / 簿記(3級)
10: Social insurance worker / 社会保険労務士
11: Financial planner / ファイナンシャルプランナー
12: Elderly care worker / 介護福祉士
13: Microsoft office specialist (MOS) / マイクロソフト認定資格 (MOS)
14: Speed writing / 速習筆ペン
15: Interior coordinator / インテリアコーディネーター
16: Electrician (2 types) / 電気工事士 (2種)
17: Dental assistant / 歯科助手
18: Color coordinate / カラーコーディネート
19: Enjoyable writing / 楽しいボールペン字
20: Licensed cook / 調理師

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ニックネーム: オリーブ





Bridge-jpn(ブリッジ・ジャパン)では、海外在住の方のために、日本の商品の購入を 代行いたします。商品の海外転送サービスはもちろん、実際にお店に行ってお好みの商 品を見つける買い物代行サービスも行っております。お気軽にお問い合わせください。

Email: bjp-sales@ioss.jp

Bridge.jpn is a shopping agent in Japan. We offer Japan shopping services both online and in-store purchases for people residing overseas looking to buy Japanese products.
We also provide services to buy Ghibli museum tickets & fujiko f fujio museum tickets.

For detail about our services.