海外在住の方のために、日本の商品の購入をサポートします (海外転送、商品購入代行など)

Monthly Archives: 1月 2012

Popular BB cream / 人気なBBクリーム

BB (blemish balm) cream which is used as a base make or concealer is extremely popular in Japan. My pick will be Evangelist BB cream because of the high ratings it got in the base make up category (pickup from @cosme). The common positive reviews of users are:

  • looks natural after application
  • spreads and blend evenly on the face
  • the moisturizing component keeps the skin from going dry even after long hours
  • my pores are well-covered.
  • makeup stays fresh even after sometime.


  • lナチュラルに仕上げる
  • 伸びがよく
  • 保湿成分も入っているので、夕方になっても乾燥したりすることはない
  • 毛穴をカバーしてくれる
  • 崩れにい

Ratings: 4.8

Evangelist BB cream / ★ エバンジェリスト BBクリーム

3,990yen (USD~52.50)

These data showing the skin type and age groups of the 2300 over users who use Evangelist BB cream was picked up from the same site. According to the data, combination skin which is the most difficult to take care of and users in age group early 30s tops the majority. Hope this information do serve as a useful reference to you.


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Accident prevention / 人身事故対策

In Japan, train disruptions caused by passengers falling into the rail tracks are frequent. It can get into you especially when you are rushing for time.

I had a close shave too, the other day when I was heading for the airport on a flight back to Singapore. Just as I was settling comfortably into one of the seats, an announcement came. Imagine, the train will stop due to passenger falling into the track (*○*)!!

My brain went empty! I had a plane to catch! (@.@ ;;)
Not only me, in fact, the whole station was in chaos, flooded with people rushing to the staffs asking for other transport means and when the train is scheduled to start moving. Poor staffs! They need to handle all these.

Fortunately, I made it for my flight. But every time when such accidents happened, it had me wondering why railway companies in Japan though having such remarkable history and technologies, did not make efforts to take measures on repeated human accidents. Few stations have auto doors setup.

These pictures were taken from Singapore’s railway platform. At least they prevent such accidents from happening.


成田空港に向かおうとJR中央線に乗ったところ、運悪く人身事故でストップ。よりに よってこんな大事な時に ガ━━(゚Д゚;)━━━ン!!
全線運転見合わせとのことで,泣きそうになりました (;・∀・)
慌てて駅員の人に運転再開の予定を聞こうとしましたが,限られた人数での対応に精一 杯で,なかなか聞けませんでした。駅員さんも気の毒。


写真は故郷のシンガポールのMRT(Mass Rapid Transit,地下鉄ですね)のプラット ホームに設置されている自動ドアです。線路に立ち入ることはほぼ不可能です。

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Hair extension wigs / salus エクステセット

If you are thinking of ways to have a different hairstyle everyday, without visiting the hairstylist, a good buy would be the DIY hair extension or wigs set that come with 10 items, allowing creation of different hairstyles. They save you bucks from visiting the hairstylist, yet let you look like a professional (^_-)

You are free to arrange into whatever styles that you like or even by combining a few wigs together to create a new look. Consider them for parties or events if you think they are too exaggerating for daily use.

5,990yen (USD ~78.20) / 5,990円
Honey brown, mix orange, shiny chestnut, caramel honey / ハニーブラウン,ミックスオレンジ,シャイニーマロン,キャラメルハニー


初めての人でもすぐに使え,色々なアレンジが楽しめます ☆
いくつか同時に使ってみるとまた違うイメージが出来るかも d(^o^)b ィィョ


Hair extensions, wigs (10 sets items)

Set content / セットの内容:

1: Magic pony tail (loose wave) / マジックポニーテール (ゆるウェイブ)
2: Rope Wig (volume curl) / ロープウィッグ (ボリュームカール)
3: Nape hairline extension (wave) / えりあしエクステ (ウェイブ)
4: Forelock wig (comes with side) / 前髪ウィッグ (サイド付きタイプ)
5: Braid extension / 三つ編みエクステ
6: Band pony / バンドポニー
7: Bunch donut / お団子ドーナッツ
8: Essence for wigs and extension / ウィッグ・エクステ専用エッセンス
9: Pins / アメピン
10: Case / 専用ケース

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Mouton boot / ムートンブーツ

An article about men’s opinion towards mouton boots.

Many women in Japan love mouton boots as they are not only easy on the feet, but fashionable and they keep the feet warm.

Guys have mixed feelings about mouton boots though. According to the site “Pouch”, below are what guys think about women wearing mouton boots.

    1. Are you an eskimo?
    2. They look like housekeeping slippers.
    3. What’s so special? Everyone’s wearing them.

In general, mouton boots seem not well received among guys in Japan .:*~*:.


モコモコのムートンブーツは歩くやすくて,お洒落で,暖かさも抜群なので,女性に人気が高い。 しかし、そんな女性の味方であるムートンブーツも、男性の目から見るとイマイチなものに映ってしまうのだとか。


    1. 「エスキモーかよ」
    2. 「お風呂掃除に使うスリッパみたい」
    3. 「これ履いてるヤツ多すぎ」

男性にはムートンブーツが不評みたいですね ・゜゜(>_<)゜゜・

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Nephew / 甥

I finally got to meet up with my nephew for the first time, 18 months later after he was born. The picture probably won’t tell, but his size is very small for his age. Cheeky and naughty he is not only, but also irresistibly *CUTE*.

Unfortunately, he don’t take to people easily and I remained an “enemy” from Day 1 since we met. “Why?” remains a mystery… (._.;)

実際会ってみると,小さいながらも生意気盛りで,腕白で,とにかく可愛い ~☆

なんで、なんで~ (v_v`)はぁ・・・。

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Fashion Coordinate / ファッションコーディネート


Boucle tunic + culotte short pant

Coordinate pickup from the brand “earth music&ecology”, since winter sale is still ongoing currently. The top is make up of boucle tunic with the fabric adding a touch of soft image. Bottom is a soft and light culotte short pant with flowery prints. This coordinate looks girlish and cute!

Price is also at a tempting half-price. Prices shown are after 50% discount.

Top / ブークレチュニック

2,499yen / ¥2,499
Ivory, Beige, navy / アイボリー,ベージュ,ネイビー

Bottom / プリーツ花柄キュロットショートパンツ

1,995yen / ¥1,995
Camel, navy / キャメル,ネイビー

今回初登場の【アースミュージックアンドエコロジー】というブランドです。冬のセー ルが続いているとのことで,一つのコーディネートをピックアップしました。
毛感がやわらかな印象をあたえるブークレチュニックとふんわりプリーツ花柄キュロッ トショートパンツの組合せ。Cute☆

値段も半額と魅力的です d(^o^)b ィィョ

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How to use neck warmer / ネックウォーマーの使い方

Instead of mufflers or shawls, neck warmers that hang down to the chest became the recent trend. This Youtube in mandarin focus on the reasons on why you SHOULD OWN a neck warmer by giving you ideas on how neck warmers can be worn. Check it out and who knows you might find a few styles that fits you.

中国版の面白いネックウォーマーの使い方です。「えっ?」と思う使い方もありますが (^-^)ニャハ♪

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Denim one-piece / KBF デニムワンピース


Denim one piece

A simple, casual longer version of denim shirt which can be used 2 ways as a denim one-piece or as an outer. As denim suits all season, it can be used at anytime of the year.
A belt around the waist like what the model did in the picture is also another fashionable way of dressing.

5,070yen / ¥5,070

シンプルで合わせやすいデニムワンピース は、 閉めて着ればワンピースですが、開けてもジャケット風に羽織って着られるのが 魅力。季節を問わずコーデできます!

ベルトなどでブラウジングして合わせるのがオ ススメ。

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Lunar new year / 旧正月

Today is Lunar new year eve (Chinese Singaporean celebrate lunar new year). In this day, everyone will try to gather for the reunion dinner. For my family, we don’t get to gather frequent together because some of us are staying overseas. Its being few years since we last made a full gatherings and I actually enjoyed!

To enhance the Chinese New Year mood, these photos were taken at Ameyoko near to the period of New year. Ameyoko is best known for its bargain of fresh seafood and dried food. The place is not only popular among tourists but also locals. Doesn’t these seafood look delicious?

私の家族は,普段忙しかったり,海外に住んでいたりでなかなか集まれないのですが, やはり正月となると皆帰省してきます。家族全員が集まって食事するのは,やっぱり楽 しいです。


Fresh seafood




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Commoner’s sushi / 庶民的な寿司

“Commoner’s sushi” from hometown. I was surprised that the varieties had increased over the years. In fact, more than that of sushi originator country, Japan. And price is cheap (ranging from 50 cents to about a dollar plus). Taste of the sushi is adjusted to suit the taste bud of locals. “Commoner’s sushi” seems enjoy popularity in Singapore.

However, in my personal opinion, Japan’s sushi remains the most delicious.

故郷のシンガポールの寿司です。種類は日本より多いくらいです。しかもひとつ40 円~80円と安い!庶民にも買える値段ですね。味は地元の人の舌に合わせたものになっていて,人気があります。

あぁ思い出したら 食べたくなってきた~ (>_<)



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ニックネーム: オリーブ





Bridge-jpn(ブリッジ・ジャパン)では、海外在住の方のために、日本の商品の購入を 代行いたします。商品の海外転送サービスはもちろん、実際にお店に行ってお好みの商 品を見つける買い物代行サービスも行っております。お気軽にお問い合わせください。

Email: bjp-sales@ioss.jp

Bridge.jpn is a shopping agent in Japan. We offer Japan shopping services both online and in-store purchases for people residing overseas looking to buy Japanese products.
We also provide services to buy Ghibli museum tickets & fujiko f fujio museum tickets.

For detail about our services.