皮膚に優しい接着剤を使用しているので,敏感肌の人でも大丈夫 o(*’▽’*)/☆゜
洗い終わった後肌がしっとりしていて,ツルツルで,顔色も明るくなります ♪
How to get beautiful skin within 3 minutes with lotion pack.
Lotion pack, a pack process to moisturize the face using toner (lotion) and cottons is believed to work wonders for the skin and is very popular in Japan. Does this ring a bell as to why Japanese women has beautiful skin?
This video clip guides you through the procedures to a simple lotion pack. English translation is as below:
[Step 1] — Split the cotton into 5 pieces.
[Step 2] — Pack your face with cottons
[Step 3] — Removing the cottons 3 minutes later
Popular cosmetic brand RMK, came up with special edition cheek palatte, to celebrate their 15th anniversary. The design is created with the image of a little fairy dressed in petal. Looks cute? Does it capture your heart? It could make a fabulous gift too.
A 6 colors set that has its color balancing considered and it is limited edition.
Just mix the colors with a blush to give a natural clear coloring and add a touch of glossiness to the skin.
。゚( ゚^∀^゚)゚。
Limited edition lip cheek makeup
This limited edition (limited stock) dual purpose makeup for the cheek and lip is a new release.
Application on the lip adds a faint shade of red to it and the result is natural.
The trick to achieve a florid complexion or enhance the coloring is to use it as a base, prior to the application of cheek makeup or lip gloss.
Reviews are good, with many saying that the result was very natural although they were surprised by the “blood-color like” when they first opened up the cover.
To add-on, some users even use for their eye makeups.
In all, this is a really convenient multiple usage color enhancement makeup.
『マジョリカ マジョルカ』の『ブラッドオン』という数量限定発売の商品を紹介します。
キャッチコピーは“ほおに唇に、血色レアルレッドカラー” ということで、指で色を載せるだけでほんのりの赤みを増すことができるという商品です。
『赤みを増す』ということに特化した商品,ちょっと便利かも ♪
Hello kitty Mascara
Its still up for grasp for those Hello Kitty fans out there. The Hello Kitty (package is of limited edition) Volum Express Hypercurl mascara from Maybelline.
Description: Volum Express Hypercurl mascara thickens the eyelashes thrice its volume. The curl technology ensures the curls keep and stay for as long as 18 hours and its ultra waterproof formula has strong resistant against water, sweat, tears.
メイベリンの【ボリューム エクスプレス ハイパーカール ウォータープルーフ】はまつげを濃くし,3倍*ボリームオン!さらに,ぐいっとリフトアップしたまつ毛を,しっかり18時間*カールキープ Σ(・ω・ノ)ノ
水・汗・涙に強いウォータープルーフタイプ o(*’▽’*)/☆゜
BB (blemish balm) cream which is used as a base make or concealer is extremely popular in Japan. My pick will be Evangelist BB cream because of the high ratings it got in the base make up category (pickup from @cosme). The common positive reviews of users are:
These data showing the skin type and age groups of the 2300 over users who use Evangelist BB cream was picked up from the same site. According to the data, combination skin which is the most difficult to take care of and users in age group early 30s tops the majority. Hope this information do serve as a useful reference to you.
Skin type and Age group datas of popular BB cream users
The award pickups continues. My picks this time will be the Best 3 moisturizers award (skincare category) for Year 2011, as selected by @cosme. The awards went to the next 3 items. In addition, the skin type of users who use these products are being consolidated. Please refer to the graphs. Hope that these information will help you better in your choice of moisturizers.
Continuation on the pickups of the Top 3 toners (skincare category) for Year 2011, selected by @cosme. The awards went to the following 3 items. In addition, the skin type of users who use these products are being consolidated (refer to be graphs). Hope these information helps.
Inner activate Conditioner lotion III (Kao) /
★ インナーアクティベート コンディショニングローション IIIタイプ (花王)
Skin Type Of Users
Inner activate Conditioner lotion III
Aqa Moist II (Padarm) /
★ アクアモイストII (パダーム)
Skin Type Of Users
Aqa Moist II
BB a.c.care venom essence (BEETOX a.c.care) /
★ BB エーシーケア ベノムエッセンス (トータルヘルスコンサルティング)
Skin Type Of Users
(BB a.c.care venom essence (BEETOX a.c.care))