An article about men’s opinion towards mouton boots.
Many women in Japan love mouton boots as they are not only easy on the feet, but fashionable and they keep the feet warm.
Guys have mixed feelings about mouton boots though. According to the site “Pouch”, below are what guys think about women wearing mouton boots.
- Are you an eskimo?
- They look like housekeeping slippers.
- What’s so special? Everyone’s wearing them.
In general, mouton boots seem not well received among guys in Japan .:*~*:.
モコモコのムートンブーツは歩くやすくて,お洒落で,暖かさも抜群なので,女性に人気が高い。 しかし、そんな女性の味方であるムートンブーツも、男性の目から見るとイマイチなものに映ってしまうのだとか。
- 「エスキモーかよ」
- 「お風呂掃除に使うスリッパみたい」
- 「これ履いてるヤツ多すぎ」
男性にはムートンブーツが不評みたいですね ・゜゜(>_<)゜゜・

ムートンブーツ イメージ