海外在住の方のために、日本の商品の購入をサポートします (海外転送、商品購入代行など)

Tag Archives: creative Japan

Space saving / スペースの有効利用

Effective space utilization techniques extending to bicycle lots. — Tokyo

★ 都心ではスペースの有効利用は常に課題です。駐輪所まで工夫をしなきゃいけない状態です。

It is grateful to know that the payment machine is linked to commutation ticket, so that choice of card payment other than cash is possible. How convenient!
And by the way, You know WHAT!?
The machine is on “24 hours guard” by a famous security company in japan. I bet the security company welcomes such business with big smiles. (*^o^*)/

★ 精算機は何とSUICAカードが使えます。写真は駐輪場利用精算機ですが、地味ながら も警備システムが付いています (ノ゚⊿゚)ノびっくり!!

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Beverage Vending Machine / 飲み物の自動販売機

I have never ceased to be amazed by the beverage vending machines of Japan. There are always a wide choice of variety ranging from sport drinks to mineral water to tea to coffee and others for one to choose from. Occasionally, there are even seasonal beverages, new types of drinks or even new flavors up for grasp. The vending machines are never left empty. The stocks are always replenished even at the most remote part of the country.

See, this vending even has a LCD display showing latest new!

Just wondering if there are other people besides me who will try to read the news?



写真の自動販売機にはLCDディスプレイが付いており、最新のニュースが流れています。日本の自動販売機はどこまで便利になるのでしょうか (^ ^;

beverage machine

Beverage machine

By the way, you don’t need to understand japanese to identify which are the cold drinks or which are the hot drink ones. Its differentiated by the color of the price tags where blue represents cold drink and red represents hot drinks.

beverage machine

red and blue price tags

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Rice stopper clip / 米ピタクリップ

Just as I always wonder if there is any method to make the task of washing rice easier. Problem is that the rice keeps dropping out while I am trying to dispose off the water. I tumbled upon this rice stopper in a supermarket. It certainly does solve the problem.

Hopefully the rice cooker maker won’t keep changing the shape and size of the pot. This cost 250yen (Ref: USD~3.25).


お釜やボールにぴったりフィットし, お米をこぼすことなく, サッと水切りができます。取り外しもとても簡単で, 米とぎ以外にもいろいろと使えます!価格は250円です。

Rice stopper clip /

Available colors /

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« 9月    


ニックネーム: オリーブ





Bridge-jpn(ブリッジ・ジャパン)では、海外在住の方のために、日本の商品の購入を 代行いたします。商品の海外転送サービスはもちろん、実際にお店に行ってお好みの商 品を見つける買い物代行サービスも行っております。お気軽にお問い合わせください。

Email: bjp-sales@ioss.jp

Bridge.jpn is a shopping agent in Japan. We offer Japan shopping services both online and in-store purchases for people residing overseas looking to buy Japanese products.
We also provide services to buy Ghibli museum tickets & fujiko f fujio museum tickets.

For detail about our services.