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Tag Archives: creative Japan

Embroidery frill dress / 刺繍フリルワンピース

Embroidery filled one-piece /


I must admit that I have a soft spot for anything that comes with embroideries and lace tops or dresses. The reason might be pieces with embroideries or laces actually look elegant and expensive!?

The design of this dotted embroidery frilled one-piece is very unique and modern, creating a Haute Couture image. In my personal opinion, the brand, Snidel always have some nice, unique design of embroidered one-piece that never fails to capture the heart.

Pre-ordering is necessary for this dress. Contact us for further information about this dress.

15,750yen (USD~207) / 15,750円
Black, Beige, White / ブラック,ベージュ,ワイト



詳しくは, 上の画像をクリックしてください。

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Hair extension wigs / salus エクステセット

If you are thinking of ways to have a different hairstyle everyday, without visiting the hairstylist, a good buy would be the DIY hair extension or wigs set that come with 10 items, allowing creation of different hairstyles. They save you bucks from visiting the hairstylist, yet let you look like a professional (^_-)

You are free to arrange into whatever styles that you like or even by combining a few wigs together to create a new look. Consider them for parties or events if you think they are too exaggerating for daily use.

5,990yen (USD ~78.20) / 5,990円
Honey brown, mix orange, shiny chestnut, caramel honey / ハニーブラウン,ミックスオレンジ,シャイニーマロン,キャラメルハニー


初めての人でもすぐに使え,色々なアレンジが楽しめます ☆
いくつか同時に使ってみるとまた違うイメージが出来るかも d(^o^)b ィィョ


Hair extensions, wigs (10 sets items)

Set content / セットの内容:

1: Magic pony tail (loose wave) / マジックポニーテール (ゆるウェイブ)
2: Rope Wig (volume curl) / ロープウィッグ (ボリュームカール)
3: Nape hairline extension (wave) / えりあしエクステ (ウェイブ)
4: Forelock wig (comes with side) / 前髪ウィッグ (サイド付きタイプ)
5: Braid extension / 三つ編みエクステ
6: Band pony / バンドポニー
7: Bunch donut / お団子ドーナッツ
8: Essence for wigs and extension / ウィッグ・エクステ専用エッセンス
9: Pins / アメピン
10: Case / 専用ケース

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Fashion Socks / ソックス

In Japan, depending on dressing, socks, tights, stockings pair up the fashion team. Below are some pickups of thigh high stocking and fashion stockings from the December issue of popular magazine, Vivi.

For the lovely, trendy look, a pair of bare legs somehow lackluster style.

12月号のViviで掲載されたオーバーニーとタイツです。やはりお洒落にはソックスが欠 かせませんよね。聞くところによると,オーバーニーは,男性にとって萌えアイテムの ひとつとか。


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Boots Fur / ブーツファー

If you are sick with your shabby, plain or even old fashion boots of donkey years, you could consider furs add-ons for a change. The “Boots fur” is an attachable fur that turns your boots into a fashionable trendy fur boot, without costing a bomb. Isn’t it a fantastic idea?

1,554yen / ¥1,554

ブーツに付けるだけで,簡単にファー ブーツに変身!♪
便利でしょう d(^o^)b ィィョ


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My Socks / マイソックス

Just when I thought that I could do with myself some socks that could be used for summer (Singapore trip), the “house of socks” is having its “Everything Must Go” sale at an Unbelievable price of 525yen for 3 pairs of socks. I managed to find some socks that are “almost suitable” for summer though the clearance are autumn and winter stuffs.

Just 3 pairs socks took me 20mins to select due to the wide choices.
Seriously, I couldn’t help feeling guilty for taking time such long time despite paying a mere 525yen. m(_ _ )m

I really love these socks that. Hope they aren’t too hot for summer though.

チュチュアンナの最終クリランスサールで,靴下3足をたったの¥525でゲットしまし た。
秋冬物のソックスばかりでしたが,実は私、もうすぐ常夏のシンガポールに帰省するの で,夏でも使えそうなソックスを探しました。

デザインが豊富すぎて,選ぶだけ20分も掛かりました 。たったの¥525なのに ┐(´д`)┌

でも良いソックスが安く手に入り、大満足! d(^o^)b ィィョ

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Mask Pack / パック


Mask Pack / お風呂でホットチャージパック

525yen (3 sheets) / ¥525 (3枚)

Why not pack while indulging in the comfort of soaking in your bathtub? This is a new concept type of mask. As the pores opens up during soaking, this mask containing thick serum components which penetrates and moisturize the skin in a mere 5 minutes. A smooth and freshening skin is the result.

Three types of packs namely, hot-charge skin massage sheet, hot-charge relax aroma, hot-charge (each comes with 3 sheets) are available.

  • ★ Hot-charge skin massage sheet
    - Latest product
    - Includes massage capability for those looking to get rid of dullness of the face.
  • ★ Hot-charge skin relax aroma – Aroma for relaxation
  • ★ Hot-charge – First Generation of hot-charge

Feel free to inquire with us on the usage.



  • ★ お風呂でホットチャージ 「くすみ感用マッサージシート」
    - 新商品
    - くすみを解消するため,マッサージポイント付き
  • ★ お風呂でホットチャージ 「リラックスアロマの香り」 – アロマの香り付き
  • ★ お風呂でホットチャージ – 最初に出たものです。
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Cosplay / コスプレ

I stumbled upon this Cosplay shop at one of the many Cosplay shops in Shinjuku. The wide variety of the costumes on displayed caught me by surprise. Cosplay has seem to follow the path of fashion, fast becoming a constant changing trend.

Recent Cosplay shopping sites even sell items similar to that of AKB48, KARA, etc (My apology for sounding like a country bumpkin. I don’t have much knowledge about this). Just in case if you are wondering what on earth is AKB48, Kara, they are famous idol gals group in Japan.

新宿には,コスプレの店がたくさんあります。この間たまたま通りかかった店で写真を 撮ってきました。とにかく展示してある衣装の多さにびっくりです(●Д●)

普通の洋服のように流行があるとのこと。最近の通信販売では,AKB48,KARAなどのア イドルグループのコスプレが人気のようです。
(実は今までコスプレの世界は全く知りませんでした m(_ _)m ゴメンナサイ)

Lum, the famous Japanese animation character. Isn’t she gorgeous?

★ やっぱりラムちゃんは人気。色っぽくて,かわいいですね。

Female sexy version of Santa Claus Cosplay which only show up near Christmas season. Overly seductive (^_-)☆

★クリスマス期間中に出ているサンタのコスプレ。セクシーなサンタになりそう (*’-^)-☆

Designs of uniform costumes base on the spec of Japan high school gal uniforms have been so diversified probably due to their popularity demand? Youth = beauty! Forever 18 v(^-^)v

★ セーラー服や女子高の制服もたくさん。
これを着て女子高生の頃に戻りたい p(*゜▽゜*)q

The ever popular maid Cosplay. Look closely (@_@) They even have the Santa Claus version!

★ 定番のメイド服。よく見て!(@_@)サンタバージョンもありますよ~

Wouldn’t it be fun to try to catch your guy with this policewoman miniskirt cosplay (^_-)☆

★ ミニスカポリスに変身! 彼氏を逮捕してみては!? ヾ(●´▽`●)ノ彡☆

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Casual boot (Y2012) / カジュアルブーツ(Y2012)

Recent trend of boots comes with a boa at the top which is emphasized by folding it down (fashionable). You can choose to hide the boa by having the whole thing up. The boot in the picture was snatched up during sale, at a bargain of 8,400yen. What turns me on is its extremely good quality and that its “Made In Japan” which I must admit that I have a sore spot for.

It seems durable enough.


8,400¥で買えるなんて本当に幸せ! ヤタ─────v(-∀-)v─────★

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Single Sheet Cutter / 一枚切りカッター

Introducing the Single Sheet Cutter, an interesting tool invention. This tool only cuts the top sheet when its run over a stack of papers. Other than the top sheet, underlying papers remain intact. The opposite theory of what a traditional cutter (the cutting as much as possible) should be. Isn’t that fantastic?

This one cutter alone can support the cutting of paper materials of different sizes from thin to thick like newspapers or magazines, etc.
Impressive technology!! I will get myself one to show my support for it. p(´∇`)q

重ねた紙の最上部1枚しか切れない!? ーー 話題の1枚きりカッターです。

これは1枚だけしか切れないという、逆転の発想にひたすら感動 ジーン…(≧ω≦。)
自然に応援したくなる~ p(´∇`)q

710yen / ¥710
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origami / 折り紙

From long ago, Origami (traditional Japanese art of paper folding) has been a part of the Japan culture.

★ 折り紙は昔から親しまれてきた,日本の伝統の遊びで,日本の文化とも言えます。

But without realizing it, toilet paper origami becomes a recent trend…
So you know what happen when someone stays inside the toilet for more than 30mins. (^_-)

★ しかし。。。
いつの間にか折り紙はトイレにまで広がりました。可愛いですが。。。後ろで待っている人のことも考えてくださいね (≧人≦●)

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« 9月    


ニックネーム: オリーブ





Bridge-jpn(ブリッジ・ジャパン)では、海外在住の方のために、日本の商品の購入を 代行いたします。商品の海外転送サービスはもちろん、実際にお店に行ってお好みの商 品を見つける買い物代行サービスも行っております。お気軽にお問い合わせください。

Email: bjp-sales@ioss.jp

Bridge.jpn is a shopping agent in Japan. We offer Japan shopping services both online and in-store purchases for people residing overseas looking to buy Japanese products.
We also provide services to buy Ghibli museum tickets & fujiko f fujio museum tickets.

For detail about our services.