海外在住の方のために、日本の商品の購入をサポートします (海外転送、商品購入代行など)

Tag Archives: Japanese food

Cakes (II) / ケーキ(II)

A Merry Christmas to everyone ☆彡 
The varieties of cakes had not ended.
So here is a continuation from yesterday’s post.

メリークリスマス ☆彡


Cakes from Ginza Cosy Corner II / 銀座コージーコーナー II

1: Mont blanc / モンブラン
2: Chestnut mont blanc / 渋栗のモンブラン
3: Classic mont blanc / クラシックモンブラン
4: Mille-crepe / ミルクレープ
5: Choco mille-crepe / チョコミルクレープ
6: Fruit mille-crepe / フルーツミルクレープ
7: Apple pie / アップルパイ
8: Lemon pie / レモンパイ
9: Chiffon chocolat / シフォン ショコラ
10: Green tea chiffon / シフォン 抹茶
11: Fruit cake / フルーツケーキ
12: Pudding fruit cake / プリンフルーツケーキ
13: Blueberry mousse / ブルーベリーのムース
14: Strawberry mousse / 苺のムース

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Cakes (I) / ケーキ(I)

Talk about the varieties of cakes in Japan. Its ridiculously too much (IMHO) that sometimes you even get confused as to which to choose. Its like you are very firm that you want a chocolate cake, but when you are right in front of the cake counter, not only the varieties, the fact that all the chocolate cakes look equally delicious get you confused. These slices are picked up from a chain cake store in Japan.

Since Christmas is round the corner, so for those sweet-toothed.
You won’t add calories to your body just by checking these out (^_-)



見るだけなら,カロリーがゼロ。(^_-)☆バチッ でも目の毒!?


Cakes from Ginza Cosy Corner / 銀座コージーコーナー

1: Rare cheese / レアチーズ
2: Strawberry shortcake / 苺のショートケーキ
3: Shortcake / ショートケーキ
4: Gateau chocolate / ガトーショコラ
5: Tiramisu chocolate / ティラミスショコラ
6: Green tea chocolate / 抹茶ショコラ
7: Chocolate strawberry / チョコレートストロベリー
8: Cripsy chocolate / さくっとショコラ
9: Cheese souffle / まろやかチーズスフレ
10: Bake cheese / 濃厚ベイクドチーズ
11: Rich rare cheese / 濃厚レアチーズ
12: Three types of cheese / 3種のチーズ

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Lazy pot / イイカゲン鍋!?

No, your eyes are not playing trick on you. These clam shells known as “Meretrix lusoria” are GIANT compared to normal ones in the market and they taste quite good. Most convenient thing is that you don’t have to wait for the sand to be removed.

Simply love claypots during winter. They keep the body warm. Plus the fact that you can just dump basically anything that you have in your fridge is a big convenience for well,, you can call me LaZYBones, but the word I want to use is “BUSY PEOPLE” like me.

Though the picture doesn’t tell enough about the taste, fyi, the taste wasn’t bad at all. *WINK*

写真の貝は『白はまぐり』という貝です。実際ははまぐりとは無関係の『ホンビノスガ イ』という北アメリカ原産の貝らしい。でも見た目は大型のはまぐりで、味もなかなか。
砂抜き作業もいらないので(私がいつも砂抜き済みものを買っているから?)とても 便利です。

さて冬といえば鍋料理。体をぽかぽかにしてくれるので,最高です。今回はこの白ハマ グリがメインで、あとはただ冷蔵庫にある材料を片っ端から入れるだけ。
はい『イイ カゲン鍋』の出来上がり!
まさに怠け者の味方ですね \(^o^)/

今回は,麺の代わりに『すいとん』を入れました。写真ではわからないと思いますが,とて も美味しいんですよ (^_-)-☆
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Cafe / 喫茶店

I went to this cafe known as “charaku” today.
Though it is sitting just a mere 2 mins walk away from JR Chuo line mitaka station (north exit), most probably only regular customers knew about it because of its “hidden location”. The cafe has a very quiet ambience which I like very much.
And yes, the aroma of the curry. It fills the air some 20m or so away from the shop before even reaching. Upon entering the shop, one is greeted by those nostalgic Japanese music that the cafe is always playing. Well,,, you can call me old, but somehow I feel calm listening to them.

For just 900yen, the cafe offers set lunch with choice of either curry or spaghetti + salad + soup + coffee or tea. I am just wondering if it’s ONLY Japan’s cafe in the world that offers set lunch??




The exterior image of the cafe with terrace seats for those who smoke or would like to enjoy a bit more of the sun.

★ 店の外側のイメージです。

For those who wants to escape from the sun, go inside to indulge yourself in the nostalgic atmosphere.

★ 太陽を避けたい方、ノスタルジーに浸りたい方は店内で。

For those lonely souls, opt for the counter table without worrying about having to share seats.

★ カウンター席も素敵です。一人でも十分くつろげます (≧▽≦)☆

The shop has many such small ornaments all over and thought they blend in well with the antique look of the interior.

★ 店に飾ってある置物や小物が、店のアンティーク調の雰囲気を演出しています。

Finally, my healthy curry rice set came. Of course it tastes as delicious as it looks, but its unlike usual image of a curry because Japan’s curry is NOT HOT at all. 
Its time to get back to work again after some moment of quiet time..

★ おまちかねのカレーセット!
甘口でさっぱりした味。とてもヘルシーなカレーです。 (^o^)b 美味しい~  

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Bento / お弁当作りの方

Seldom you could find a Japanese made YouTube spoken in English.
The monotonous tone is hilarious and he is even kind enough to remind you not to cut your hands when handling the knife, at intervals. It might sound funny, BUT the warmness reached me and it did help to put a smile to my face. (*^-^*)

I do admit that I wish my mum had ever made something like that for me to bring to school.

男性の声は丁寧で棒読みのように聞こえますが,なんとなく心に染み込むような暖かさがあって落ち着きます(*^-^*) お弁当が美味しそう~。
ちなみに,私の母にはお弁当を作る習慣がありません。残念 (>_<)

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otooya lunch / ランチ –大戸屋

I took lunch at one of my favourite japanese restaurant called ootoya.

Besides chinese food, Japanese food tops my list of favourite foods. Not that I had experience with so many different types of cuisines around the world, but my preference for food are those which are “light”. When I mean “light”, vegetables are a MUST, oily foods are out, all meat only dishes are out, serving must not be too big (I must admit that I am not a big-eater) and foods that are saltish is a No No.

In general, the food balance for Japanese set lunch or dinner (known as teisyoku) are very well considered. Few types of vegetables usually accompany the set with miso soup. Its important for people like me who don’t do much cooking to include a bit of intake of every kind and they make me feel healthy.

Today’s lunch set is claypot stew chicken cutlet. I must admit I am 100% satisfied. (*^o^*)/


基本的に,野菜(性格も草食系( ̄ー ̄)ニヤ )と、さっぱりした味のものが好みです。 和食は色々な食材が入っていて、栄養のバランスがとても良く,健康に良いと思います。普段あまり自炊しない私にとって,大変ありがたいです。


lunch set

close up

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Lunch / ランチ

Today’s set lunch to combat the cold {{(>-<)}}. Tokyo is raining now.

A bowl of hot noodles(udon) + rice with toppings of fried fish, pumpkins, prawns, etc(tendon) and the Gravy is a MUST MENTIONED!

Simply~~~~~~~~ delicious!!






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« 9月    


ニックネーム: オリーブ





Bridge-jpn(ブリッジ・ジャパン)では、海外在住の方のために、日本の商品の購入を 代行いたします。商品の海外転送サービスはもちろん、実際にお店に行ってお好みの商 品を見つける買い物代行サービスも行っております。お気軽にお問い合わせください。

Email: bjp-sales@ioss.jp

Bridge.jpn is a shopping agent in Japan. We offer Japan shopping services both online and in-store purchases for people residing overseas looking to buy Japanese products.
We also provide services to buy Ghibli museum tickets & fujiko f fujio museum tickets.

For detail about our services.