海外在住の方のために、日本の商品の購入をサポートします (海外転送、商品購入代行など)

Tag Archives: zakka

Sakura Boutique / Sakura ブティック

Visiting Sakura boutique near to Chuo line’s Mitaka station has became a routine for me. The attitute of the owner is always sincere and warm, making me feel very welcome. I intend to try to introduce something at least on a weekly basis from now on, since shop Sakura has a wide variety of items.




knit cardigan + Tank top + Lace skirt /
ニットカーディガン + タンクトップ+ レーススカート

My pick for today will be this feminine 3 items set. Topping up the airy open-knit pointelle cardigan, is a sweet inner tank-top with flower fills in front. An elegant tiered lace skirt completes the outfit.

For those who wish to know more about the details, please inquire to us (from below button).

★ お洒落な透かし編みニットと,胸元の花飾りがスイートなインナータンクトップ。それに上品なティアードスカートの組合せ。とてもフェミニンで,素敵でしょう ♪


Other than clothings, there are constant new stocks for accessories and interior goods too. So if you are staying near to Mitaka, why not pop in the shop and take a look?

★ 洋服はもちろん,新しい雑貨も入荷しています。是非一度お店に足を運んでみてください。

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Room shoes / ルームシューズ

These lovely room shoes are designed and produced by a Japanese model.

Altogether, the pastel colors (in the pictures) and the ribbon with the glossy pearls at the front looks extremely sweet. The material is soft to the touch and feels so comfortable to wear.

Not only as a room shoes, but it suitable for wearing in the hotel rooms during travelling.


写真のモデルは,全体がパステルカラー調で,フロントのリボンと艶めくパールがとてもスウィート☆ 柔らかくて肌触りの良い生地で,履き心地が良さそう ~

ルームシューズとしてはもちろん,トラベルシューズとしても重宝しそうです ♪

oeuf doux スタートラベルシューズ

Room shoes (travel use)

3,990yen (~50.30 USD) / 3,990円
Pink beige, Navy / ピンクベージュ,ネイビー
oeuf doux チュールリボンルームシューズ

Room shoes

2,730yen (~34.50 USD) / 2,730円
Light blue, Pink, Pink beige / ライトブルー,ピンク,ピンクベージュ

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Cold feet / 足の冷え性対策

Cold feet is very common during the winter.
In Japan, room boots, worn in rooms to protect against cold feet are sold during the winter. If you are wondering about the effectiveness, I would say I couldn’t do without them anymore during the winter. Not only are the designs lovely and fashionable, the inner is made of boa and that’s the reason why they keep your feet warm. Below are some room boot pickups.

Contact us for further details on color, design and size.



1,680yen / ¥1,680
Posted in Japan fashion (ファッション), zakka (雑貨) Category: Japan fashion (ファッション), zakka (雑貨) | Tagged , | コメントは受け付けていません。 | Bookmark the permalink

Toilet mat and cover set / トイレグッズ

Set image 1

A good way to brighten up your toilet without spending much. The prints of the mat and cover (A) set are not only colorful and cute, each is unique in your own way. The toilet paper holder (B) and toilet slipper (C) comes separately. Its ideal as a gift too.

Strongly recommended is the toilet paper holder because the holder allows an extra roll, so that you don’t have to worry about running out of paper halfway through. *THUMBS UP*

There are plenty of designs beside the ones shown here.
Inquire through our Contact form for details.

Price (A):
mat and cover – 2,600yen (~USD34)
Price (B):
toilet paper holder – 1,300yen (~USD17)
Price (C):
toilet slipper – 1,200yen (~USD16)

Note: All exclusive of domestic transportation


ペーパーホルダー (B) とトイレスリッパ(C)が別々で、販売されています。


価格 (A):
トイレマット&カバーセット- 2,600円(税込)  送料別
価格 (B):
ペーパーホルダー- 1,300円(税込)  送料別
価格 (C):
トイレスリッパ – 1,200円(税込)  送料別
toilet mat set

Set image 2

toilet mat set

Set image 3

toilet mat set

Set image 4

Posted in zakka (雑貨) Category: zakka (雑貨) | Tagged , , | コメントは受け付けていません。 | Bookmark the permalink

« 9月    


ニックネーム: オリーブ





Bridge-jpn(ブリッジ・ジャパン)では、海外在住の方のために、日本の商品の購入を 代行いたします。商品の海外転送サービスはもちろん、実際にお店に行ってお好みの商 品を見つける買い物代行サービスも行っております。お気軽にお問い合わせください。

Email: bjp-sales@ioss.jp

Bridge.jpn is a shopping agent in Japan. We offer Japan shopping services both online and in-store purchases for people residing overseas looking to buy Japanese products.
We also provide services to buy Ghibli museum tickets & fujiko f fujio museum tickets.

For detail about our services.