Visiting Sakura boutique near to Chuo line’s Mitaka station has became a routine for me. The attitute of the owner is always sincere and warm, making me feel very welcome. I intend to try to introduce something at least on a weekly basis from now on, since shop Sakura has a wide variety of items.
knit cardigan + Tank top + Lace skirt /
ニットカーディガン + タンクトップ+ レーススカート
My pick for today will be this feminine 3 items set. Topping up the airy open-knit pointelle cardigan, is a sweet inner tank-top with flower fills in front. An elegant tiered lace skirt completes the outfit.
For those who wish to know more about the details, please inquire to us (from below button).
★ お洒落な透かし編みニットと,胸元の花飾りがスイートなインナータンクトップ。それに上品なティアードスカートの組合せ。とてもフェミニンで,素敵でしょう ♪

My recommendation
Other than clothings, there are constant new stocks for accessories and interior goods too. So if you are staying near to Mitaka, why not pop in the shop and take a look?
★ 洋服はもちろん,新しい雑貨も入荷しています。是非一度お店に足を運んでみてください。

Fashion + accessories