If you are thinking of ways to have a different hairstyle everyday, without visiting the hairstylist, a good buy would be the DIY hair extension or wigs set that come with 10 items, allowing creation of different hairstyles. They save you bucks from visiting the hairstylist, yet let you look like a professional (^_-)
You are free to arrange into whatever styles that you like or even by combining a few wigs together to create a new look. Consider them for parties or events if you think they are too exaggerating for daily use.
5,990yen (USD ~78.20) / 5,990円
Honey brown, mix orange, shiny chestnut, caramel honey / ハニーブラウン,ミックスオレンジ,シャイニーマロン,キャラメルハニー
初めての人でもすぐに使え,色々なアレンジが楽しめます ☆
いくつか同時に使ってみるとまた違うイメージが出来るかも d(^o^)b ィィョ

Hair extensions, wigs (10 sets items)
Set content / セットの内容:
1: Magic pony tail (loose wave) / マジックポニーテール (ゆるウェイブ)
2: Rope Wig (volume curl) / ロープウィッグ (ボリュームカール)
3: Nape hairline extension (wave) / えりあしエクステ (ウェイブ)
4: Forelock wig (comes with side) / 前髪ウィッグ (サイド付きタイプ)
5: Braid extension / 三つ編みエクステ
6: Band pony / バンドポニー
7: Bunch donut / お団子ドーナッツ
8: Essence for wigs and extension / ウィッグ・エクステ専用エッセンス
9: Pins / アメピン
10: Case / 専用ケース