洗い終わった後肌がしっとりしていて,ツルツルで,顔色も明るくなります ♪
洗い終わった後肌がしっとりしていて,ツルツルで,顔色も明るくなります ♪
How to get beautiful skin within 3 minutes with lotion pack.
Lotion pack, a pack process to moisturize the face using toner (lotion) and cottons is believed to work wonders for the skin and is very popular in Japan. Does this ring a bell as to why Japanese women has beautiful skin?
This video clip guides you through the procedures to a simple lotion pack. English translation is as below:
[Step 1] — Split the cotton into 5 pieces.
[Step 2] — Pack your face with cottons
[Step 3] — Removing the cottons 3 minutes later
Why not pack while indulging in the comfort of soaking in your bathtub? This is a new concept type of mask. As the pores opens up during soaking, this mask containing thick serum components which penetrates and moisturize the skin in a mere 5 minutes. A smooth and freshening skin is the result.
Three types of packs namely, hot-charge skin massage sheet, hot-charge relax aroma, hot-charge (each comes with 3 sheets) are available.
Feel free to inquire with us on the usage.
The award pickups continues. My picks this time will be the Best 3 moisturizers award (skincare category) for Year 2011, as selected by @cosme. The awards went to the next 3 items. In addition, the skin type of users who use these products are being consolidated. Please refer to the graphs. Hope that these information will help you better in your choice of moisturizers.
Continuation on the pickups of the Top 3 toners (skincare category) for Year 2011, selected by @cosme. The awards went to the following 3 items. In addition, the skin type of users who use these products are being consolidated (refer to be graphs). Hope these information helps.
Inner activate Conditioner lotion III (Kao) /
★ インナーアクティベート コンディショニングローション IIIタイプ (花王)
Skin Type Of Users
Inner activate Conditioner lotion III
Aqa Moist II (Padarm) /
★ アクアモイストII (パダーム)
Skin Type Of Users
Aqa Moist II
BB a.c.care venom essence (BEETOX a.c.care) /
★ BB エーシーケア ベノムエッセンス (トータルヘルスコンサルティング)
Skin Type Of Users
(BB a.c.care venom essence (BEETOX a.c.care))
Sunscreen or sunblock plays a very important role when it comes to anti-aging measures. Many brands of sunscreen are available in Japan. Today, I will just pickup two that enjoys high rating here.
The top in ranking is “Nivea Sun” which is a product by KAO. For few years, it has been awarded as one of the Best Sunscreens in Japan. If you happen to be checking this article by chance, it will be good to know that Nivea sunscreen is probably easily obtainable in most part of the world and it is very affordable.
I will translate some common positive reviews about it from the users:
The amazing part is that I don’t really see much negative reviews from users out of the 2904 write-ins. I just pick up two for your information.
ALLIE by Kanebo, released 9 months ago is a more expensive version which is slowly gaining in popularity. Of course, the deserved to be mentioned point is that Kanebo is a very famous cosmetic company in Japan. Over the years, they had released many series of sunscreens and the series are constantly improving.
Ok, here you go. These are the positive reviews from users.
And not forgetting the negative review from users. Like the Nivea Sun, ALLIE also doesn’t have much negative reviews from the 1211 write-ins. Again, I picked up two.
My Opinion:
I will reserve my comment for these two products since I have yet to give them a try. Speaking about preference, I will prefer SPF higher than what Nivea offers (30). I am currently using Annesa by Shiseido, which I am quite satisfied with the texture and how well it blends into my skin. I think I will stick to it for a while more and switch to ALLIE if I have chance.