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洗い終わった後肌がしっとりしていて,ツルツルで,顔色も明るくなります ♪


lush power mask


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Homemade face mask / 佐伯チズローションパック

How to get beautiful skin within 3 minutes with lotion pack.

Lotion pack, a pack process to moisturize the face using toner (lotion) and cottons is believed to work wonders for the skin and is very popular in Japan. Does this ring a bell as to why Japanese women has beautiful skin?

This video clip guides you through the procedures to a simple lotion pack. English translation is as below:

[Step 1] — Split the cotton into 5 pieces.

  1. Wet the cotton with water.
  2. Pour appropriate amount of toner into the cotton and mix well.
  3. Firstly, split the cotton into 2 pieces.
  4. Secondly, split the cotton of above no.3 into 3 pieces (pick the thicker one).
  5. Thirdly, split the remaining piece at no.3 into 2 pieces (in total, you have 5 pieces).

[Step 2] — Pack your face with cottons

  1. 1st piece- Stretch horizontally laying across the face, from the jaw to under eyes.
    *Leave a breathing space on the nose and mouth.
  2. 2nd piece- Stretch horizontally, lay it across the eyes to forehead, leaving openings for the eyes.
  3. 3rd piece & 4th pieces- Lay vertically from the eyes, overlapping the previous laid cottons.
  4. 5th piece- Stretch the cotton from the jaw to the neck.
  5. After everything is finished, press lightly with the palm to “adhere” the cotton to the face. Leave it on for 3 minutes.

[Step 3] — Removing the cottons 3 minutes later

  1. From forehead right up to the eyes, fold the cotton and press lightly.
  2. Do the same in order of the nose, mouth, right till the jaw.
  3. Next, fold the cotton into 2 at the jaw and pad the face with the cotton to blend in the toner.
  4. Lastly, use the palm to press lightly for deep absorption.
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Mask Pack / パック


Mask Pack / お風呂でホットチャージパック

525yen (3 sheets) / ¥525 (3枚)

Why not pack while indulging in the comfort of soaking in your bathtub? This is a new concept type of mask. As the pores opens up during soaking, this mask containing thick serum components which penetrates and moisturize the skin in a mere 5 minutes. A smooth and freshening skin is the result.

Three types of packs namely, hot-charge skin massage sheet, hot-charge relax aroma, hot-charge (each comes with 3 sheets) are available.

  • ★ Hot-charge skin massage sheet
    - Latest product
    - Includes massage capability for those looking to get rid of dullness of the face.
  • ★ Hot-charge skin relax aroma – Aroma for relaxation
  • ★ Hot-charge – First Generation of hot-charge

Feel free to inquire with us on the usage.



  • ★ お風呂でホットチャージ 「くすみ感用マッサージシート」
    - 新商品
    - くすみを解消するため,マッサージポイント付き
  • ★ お風呂でホットチャージ 「リラックスアロマの香り」 – アロマの香り付き
  • ★ お風呂でホットチャージ – 最初に出たものです。
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Top 3 moisturizers (Y2011) / 2011ベストコメ–乳液部門

The award pickups continues. My picks this time will be the Best 3 moisturizers award (skincare category) for Year 2011, as selected by @cosme. The awards went to the next 3 items. In addition, the skin type of users who use these products are being consolidated. Please refer to the graphs. Hope that these information will help you better in your choice of moisturizers.

2011年のベストコスメ大賞乳液部門には,次の3商品が選ばれました。 またこの3商品を使っている人たちの,肌質に関する回答の集計結果をアットコスメからピックアップしてきました。少しでも参考になれば幸いです。

Moisture milk III (Exage) /
★ モイスチュア ミルク III (エクサージュ)

Ratings: 5.4

Top 3 moisturizers award
Skin types summary

Summary of user's skin type who uses
Moisture milk III

Moisture milk II (Exage) /
★ モイスチュア ミルク II (エクサージュ)

Ratings: 5.1

Top 3 moisturizers award
Skin types summary

Summary of user's skin type who uses
Moisture milk II

Skin signature (SK-II)
★ スキン シグネチャー (SK-II)

Ratings: 4.9

Top 3 moisturizers award
Skin types summary

Summary of user's skin type who uses
Skin signature

Posted in cosmetics & skincare (化粧品/スキンケア) Category: cosmetics & skincare (化粧品/スキンケア) | Tagged , | コメントは受け付けていません。 | Bookmark the permalink

Toners Award(Y2011) / 2011ベストコメ–化粧水部門

Continuation on the pickups of the Top 3 toners (skincare category) for Year 2011, selected by @cosme. The awards went to the following 3 items. In addition, the skin type of users who use these products are being consolidated (refer to be graphs). Hope these information helps.



Top 3 toners ranking

Inner activate Conditioner lotion III (Kao) /
★ インナーアクティベート コンディショニングローション IIIタイプ (花王)
Ratings: 5.3


Aqa Moist II (Padarm) /
★ アクアモイストII (パダーム)
Ratings: 5.0


BB a.c.care venom essence (BEETOX a.c.care) /
★ BB エーシーケア ベノムエッセンス (トータルヘルスコンサルティング)
Ratings: 5.0

Posted in cosmetics & skincare (化粧品/スキンケア), popular products (人気商品) Category: cosmetics & skincare (化粧品/スキンケア), popular products (人気商品) | Tagged | コメントは受け付けていません。 | Bookmark the permalink

Sunscreen / 日焼け止

Sunscreen or sunblock plays a very important role when it comes to anti-aging measures. Many brands of sunscreen are available in Japan. Today, I will just pickup two that enjoys high rating here.


Nivea Sun / ニベアサン (SPF30)

593yen (~USD7.70) / 80g

The top in ranking is “Nivea Sun” which is a product by KAO. For few years, it has been awarded as one of the Best Sunscreens in Japan. If you happen to be checking this article by chance, it will be good to know that Nivea sunscreen is probably easily obtainable in most part of the world and it is very affordable.

I will translate some common positive reviews about it from the users:

  • I like the fact it’s gel type and the face does not go white after application.
  • What I like most is the texture which doesn’t feel oily or even sticky on the face.
  • Special type of cleanser removal is not needed, which is a plus for me.
  • It feels so light on the skin that you don’t feel the application at all.
  • I don’t encounter skin irritation after using.

The amazing part is that I don’t really see much negative reviews from users out of the 2904 write-ins. I just pick up two for your information.

  • It feels just like water, thus I can’t use it as base for makeup.
  • I put it on during travelling to school. Though I repeated applications, my skin still turns dark (probably SPF30 isn’t enough during summer season?).



  • ジェルタイプで,白くならない
  • テクスチャーはさらさらしている,べたつかない
  • 落とすのも専用のクレンジングがいらないので使いやすいです
  • とても軽い使用感
  • 肌荒れもせずとても使いやすかった


  • ウォーターというだけあって、水のようにするんとした感じです。ですから,化粧下地としては私は駄目でした
  • 通学時に使ってました。何度も塗りなおしましたが、焼けちゃいました。

ALLIE by Kanebo, released 9 months ago is a more expensive version which is slowly gaining in popularity. Of course, the deserved to be mentioned point is that Kanebo is a very famous cosmetic company in Japan. Over the years, they had released many series of sunscreens and the series are constantly improving.


ALLIE / アリィー (SPF50)

2,940yen (~USD38) / 60g

Ok, here you go. These are the positive reviews from users.

  • Spreads and blend easily onto the face.
  • It doesn’t go white on the face and is not sticky consider its a SPF50.
  • In spite of its high SPF, its unexpectedly light on the face.
  • I don’t burn under the sun after application.

And not forgetting the negative review from users. Like the Nivea Sun, ALLIE also doesn’t have much negative reviews from the 1211 write-ins. Again, I picked up two.

  • It seems too drying for my face.
  • Applying mixture of the screen and foundation in a hurry make the face looks very dirty.

My Opinion:
I will reserve my comment for these two products since I have yet to give them a try. Speaking about preference, I will prefer SPF higher than what Nivea offers (30). I am currently using Annesa by Shiseido, which I am quite satisfied with the texture and how well it blends into my skin. I think I will stick to it for a while more and switch to ALLIE if I have chance.



  • 伸びがよく,塗ったらすぐに馴染む
  • テクスチャーはさらさらしている,べたつかない
  • SPF50なのに白くならないし、ベタベタ感なし
  • 高いSPFなのに想像以上に軽い付け心地
  • 半日外にいましたが焼けませんでした


  • 乾燥が気になり
  • 急いで化粧をしたいときに、これを顔全体に塗ってからパウダーファンデーションを使うと日焼け止めとパウダーファンデーションの粉が混ざって、ポロポロした垢みたいなものがでてきます。

私は両商品とも使ったことはないので,具体的なコメントはできませんが,個人な好み としては,どうしてもSPF30以上のものが欲しいです。今は,資生堂の『アネッサ』という商品を使っています。伸びが良く,塗ったらすぐに馴染むところが気に入っています。しばらく,『浮気』はしないと思いますが。。。機会があれば,アリィーを使ってみたいです。

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