海外在住の方のために、日本の商品の購入をサポートします (海外転送、商品購入代行など)

Tag Archives: life style

Cute construction barricades / 動物型バリケード

The kawaii culture extended to the construction work sites.

“Mum, look! Giraffes”, the yelling from excited children could be heard from far.
No doubt, children enjoy these animals barricades.

日本人には工事現場でも『工夫しなければ!』というこだわりがあるようです (●⌒∀⌒●)∩



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Amulet / お守り

Japanese amulet, a gift from a friend who visited a shrine in kagawa prefecture. Do you know that every shrine in Japan has their own amulet design? You won’t be able to find two exactly same design amulets in different shrines.

“Character amulets” even have names. This one is known as “Cheerful smile”. He was designed base on the image of children who is known for their pureness and innocence. Sweet as his name is, he is believed to bring happiness to his owner.

Wish that the happiness stretches on though the time span for amulet is a year only.
Thank you, my dear friend for your souvenir.



とはいえ,有効期間は一年。短いなぁ ~
あ、欲張ってはいけませんね。ごめんなさい <(_ _)><(_ _)>

あっちゃん,お土産,ありがとう ( v^-゚)Thanks♪


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Rare scene in Tokyo / 東京の珍しい光景

Cold wave swept over Japan again. It will be snowing in Tokyo again. Its already like the fourth or fifth (?) time in Tokyo this winter.

Actually, it rarely snow in Tokyo, once or twice yearly perhaps.
Does this explain why Tokyo residents get so excited each time when “Snow” mark showed up in the weather forecast?

All these excitement dies when the ground got so slippery due to the frozen ice and people tumbled because of that. I managed to escape a fall this year with a number of hard struggles though.

東京はまた雪です。この冬の何回目だろう? 4回目? 5回目?雪が降ると寒いし滑るしで,とても面倒です。

子供と一緒ですね ヾ(●´▽`●)ノ彡☆。

今朝,実際に家を出たら面倒くささを実感。滑るので何度も転びそうになりました。やっぱり雪はイヤだ~ (;¬_¬)じ~…

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Fried oyster bento / カキフライ弁当

I love to bits the fried oyster in Japan especially the ones from “Shinjyuku Saboten” bento shop. Fried oysters are seasonal (November~February) in most restaurants in Japan. A miss out would mean that I need to wait for nine months or so before I am able to have fried oysters again. I decided that I wouldn’t want any regrets, so I popped in the bento shop and bought my last fried oyster bento of this season for lunch.

The taste is as usual SOLID, since the day I was their customer.
Oh, why couldn’t they just include fried oysters into their regular menu??
Next round will be a long wait again (v__v`) …

今月でこの弁当が食べられなくなると思って買いに行きました。この味,やはり絶品(庶民ですね~) o(*’▽’*)/☆゜’パチパチ

さぼてんのカキフライの次の出番は11月頃です。ちょっと長いかも 。。(〃_ _)σ∥

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Yong tau fu / ヨン・タオ・フ

Have a sudden craving for hometown’s food. The images were of course Singapore’s famous Yong tau fu. Singapore’s food might not be as decorative when compared to Japan’s food, but I am proud to say that the taste of our food is very unique and delicious, due to the influence of multi-races.

Yong Tau fu is just one of my many favorite food in Singapore.

今日は私の故郷、シンガポールのヨン・タオ・フ(醸豆腐)という料理を紹介します。 シンガポール料理は日本の料理と比べて,見た目の繊細さはないのですが,多民族ならではの多彩な味付けが自慢です。


Dry Yong Tau Fu uses Sweet Soybean Paste and chilli paste as base. Sweet and spicy taste is irresistibly delicious!

★ ドライタイプ。甜麺醤やチリソースがベース味で麺と絡みます。甘めですがピリッと辛い麺が美味しい~

Soup Yong Tau Fu feels light to the stomach. It is highly recommended in my opinion for those people who are on diet.

★ さっぱり味のスープタイプ。軽い食事として,ダイエット中の人にお薦め d(⌒ー⌒) グッ!!

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Instant ginger tea / しょうが & ゆず

This winter’s addiction — Ginger + citron tea. A new addition to my list of favorite teas. Ginger tea is well known for its benefits to health. During winter, ginger drinks aids in cold and flu prevention, warms the body, which is especially useful for women with low body temperatures (I am one typical example). Citron addition makes up a very refreshing drink as compared to ginger tea alone which is strong and slightly bitter in taste.

These days, ginger tea becomes a “boom” in Japan. Combinations of all sorts of ingredients into ginger teas can be found easily. Perhaps a different type of ginger tea might be worth a try.

This package comes in 10g/10 sachets at 295yen.

生姜は体を温める効果があるので,この時期,生姜湯として親しまれていますよね。この飲み物は,柚子が加えられていて,さっぱりした味になっています。とっても美味し いですよ~ 



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Flo Cakes / フロ・プレステージュ ケーキ

There is this cake shop within the grounds of Chou line’s Mitaka station. The shop is selling freshly baked pies and tarts with generous toppings of fresh fruits, besides cakes. I love especially their tarts, but calories is my greatest enemy when I am on diet. I have since made efforts to “distant” myself from the shop for quite a while.

On valentine’s day, I decided “why not?” and went down to get myself a piece of cake and a tart.

TOOoooo satisfying, the cake and tart.
d(^o^)b A few rounds of extreme work-outs will follow next after I went home today -=≡ヘ(*・ω・)ノ

三鷹駅の構内で、FLO(プロ・プレステージュ)というスイーツの店があります。 ケーキを初め,新鮮なフルーツがたっぷり載ったタルトとパイの種類が多く,どれもとても美味しそうです (●^□^●)


や、やっぱりおいしい~! シアワ(●゚∀゚●)セ━!!!!
明日からまた“鉄の掟”復活。頑張って走りま~す -=≡ヘ(*・ω・)ノ

Doesn’t the cake box look artistic?

★ ボックもなかなかお洒落。

1. Red fruit custard tart / 赤いフルーツのカスタードタルト
Huge combination toppings of all sorts of berries. Strawberries, raspberries, dark cherries, red-currants, and mulberries. Too luxurious! *yummy*

★ 苺・フランボワーズ・ダークチェリー・アカスグリ・桑の実がたっぷりで,贅沢すぎる。
幸せ~ 。・:*:・( ̄∇ ̄人)。・:*:・

2. Chocolat amer / ショコラアメール
A very thick, concentrated chocolate cake that melts instantly in your mouth. The strong taste of melted chocolate “secretly spreads” to the entire mouth. Indescribable, the level of deliciousness!

★ 濃厚で,コクのあるチョコレートケーキ。 口の中で一瞬で溶けて,チョコレートの香りがぶわーっと広がる。美味しすぎる~

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Japan McDonald’s / 日本のマクドナルド

All of a sudden, I felt like eating Mcdonald’s Teriyaki burger (Japan’s very own version). Oh yes, each country’s Mcdonald’s apart from regular ones, have their own extra version of burgers. The below made up the regular menu of Japan’s Mcdonald’s. So what are the varieties in your country?

Today is valentine day.
For all those lonely souls out there, why not treat yourself to a meal at Mcdonalds?

そういえば,マクドナルドのバーガーメニューは国によって定番以外は違うらしい。日本のマックのレギュラーメニューは以下の通りです。他の国のメニューも気になりますよね (゚ペ)?



1: Las Vegas burger *(Limited period) / ラスベガスバーガー *(期間限定)
2: Salt & lemon icon chicken / アイコンチキン ソルト&レモン
3: Double quarter pounder with cheese / ダブルクォーターパウンダー・チーズ
4: Quarter pounder with cheese / クォーターパウンダー・チーズ
5: Big Mac / ビッグマック
6: Double cheese burger / ダブルチーズバーガー
7: Bacon lettuce burger / ベーコンレタスバーガー
8: Teriyaki mac burger / てりやきマックバーガー
9: Prawn filet / えびフィレオ
10: Filet-o-fish / フィレオフィッシュ
11: Chicken filet / チキンフィレオ
12: Cheese burger / チーズバーガー
13: Mac pork / マックポーク
14: Hamburger / ハンバーガー

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Japanese kid’s wear / 子供用の甚平

The Japanese style kid’s wear that my nephew is wearing in the picture is not known as “kimono”. The precise term is “jinbei”. I bought it for him hoping that he could wear something special (different from what kids normally wear) during Chinese New Year.

The response was overwhelmed, so that I felt shamelessly flattering, even though the credit should go to the “model” who earned the points for the attention. (*^-^*)

A change of topic from the children wear thing. Frankly speaking, the picture of my nephew reminded me of how adorable children are. Maybe using pictures of children could be an effective method to counter birth rate decline problems in developed countries??


お正月に甚平を着た甥が親戚の家に行くと,皆は『可愛い!』と大好評でした。なんだか自分が褒められた気分になりました(= ̄▽ ̄=)V やったね

甚平の話はさておいて,写真の甥っ子を見ていると,やっぱり子供は可愛いな~と思います。子供が欲しくなっちゃいませんか (〃▽〃)


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Accident prevention / 人身事故対策

In Japan, train disruptions caused by passengers falling into the rail tracks are frequent. It can get into you especially when you are rushing for time.

I had a close shave too, the other day when I was heading for the airport on a flight back to Singapore. Just as I was settling comfortably into one of the seats, an announcement came. Imagine, the train will stop due to passenger falling into the track (*○*)!!

My brain went empty! I had a plane to catch! (@.@ ;;)
Not only me, in fact, the whole station was in chaos, flooded with people rushing to the staffs asking for other transport means and when the train is scheduled to start moving. Poor staffs! They need to handle all these.

Fortunately, I made it for my flight. But every time when such accidents happened, it had me wondering why railway companies in Japan though having such remarkable history and technologies, did not make efforts to take measures on repeated human accidents. Few stations have auto doors setup.

These pictures were taken from Singapore’s railway platform. At least they prevent such accidents from happening.


成田空港に向かおうとJR中央線に乗ったところ、運悪く人身事故でストップ。よりに よってこんな大事な時に ガ━━(゚Д゚;)━━━ン!!
全線運転見合わせとのことで,泣きそうになりました (;・∀・)
慌てて駅員の人に運転再開の予定を聞こうとしましたが,限られた人数での対応に精一 杯で,なかなか聞けませんでした。駅員さんも気の毒。


写真は故郷のシンガポールのMRT(Mass Rapid Transit,地下鉄ですね)のプラット ホームに設置されている自動ドアです。線路に立ち入ることはほぼ不可能です。

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ニックネーム: オリーブ





Bridge-jpn(ブリッジ・ジャパン)では、海外在住の方のために、日本の商品の購入を 代行いたします。商品の海外転送サービスはもちろん、実際にお店に行ってお好みの商 品を見つける買い物代行サービスも行っております。お気軽にお問い合わせください。

Email: bjp-sales@ioss.jp

Bridge.jpn is a shopping agent in Japan. We offer Japan shopping services both online and in-store purchases for people residing overseas looking to buy Japanese products.
We also provide services to buy Ghibli museum tickets & fujiko f fujio museum tickets.

For detail about our services.