Cold wave swept over Japan again. It will be snowing in Tokyo again. Its already like the fourth or fifth (?) time in Tokyo this winter.
Actually, it rarely snow in Tokyo, once or twice yearly perhaps.
Does this explain why Tokyo residents get so excited each time when “Snow” mark showed up in the weather forecast?
All these excitement dies when the ground got so slippery due to the frozen ice and people tumbled because of that. I managed to escape a fall this year with a number of hard struggles though.
東京はまた雪です。この冬の何回目だろう? 4回目? 5回目?雪が降ると寒いし滑るしで,とても面倒です。
子供と一緒ですね ヾ(●´▽`●)ノ彡☆。
今朝,実際に家を出たら面倒くささを実感。滑るので何度も転びそうになりました。やっぱり雪はイヤだ~ (;¬_¬)じ~…