海外在住の方のために、日本の商品の購入をサポートします (海外転送、商品購入代行など)

Tag Archives: life style

Nephew / 甥

I finally got to meet up with my nephew for the first time, 18 months later after he was born. The picture probably won’t tell, but his size is very small for his age. Cheeky and naughty he is not only, but also irresistibly *CUTE*.

Unfortunately, he don’t take to people easily and I remained an “enemy” from Day 1 since we met. “Why?” remains a mystery… (._.;)

実際会ってみると,小さいながらも生意気盛りで,腕白で,とにかく可愛い ~☆

なんで、なんで~ (v_v`)はぁ・・・。

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Lunar new year / 旧正月

Today is Lunar new year eve (Chinese Singaporean celebrate lunar new year). In this day, everyone will try to gather for the reunion dinner. For my family, we don’t get to gather frequent together because some of us are staying overseas. Its being few years since we last made a full gatherings and I actually enjoyed!

To enhance the Chinese New Year mood, these photos were taken at Ameyoko near to the period of New year. Ameyoko is best known for its bargain of fresh seafood and dried food. The place is not only popular among tourists but also locals. Doesn’t these seafood look delicious?

私の家族は,普段忙しかったり,海外に住んでいたりでなかなか集まれないのですが, やはり正月となると皆帰省してきます。家族全員が集まって食事するのは,やっぱり楽 しいです。


Fresh seafood




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Commoner’s sushi / 庶民的な寿司

“Commoner’s sushi” from hometown. I was surprised that the varieties had increased over the years. In fact, more than that of sushi originator country, Japan. And price is cheap (ranging from 50 cents to about a dollar plus). Taste of the sushi is adjusted to suit the taste bud of locals. “Commoner’s sushi” seems enjoy popularity in Singapore.

However, in my personal opinion, Japan’s sushi remains the most delicious.

故郷のシンガポールの寿司です。種類は日本より多いくらいです。しかもひとつ40 円~80円と安い!庶民にも買える値段ですね。味は地元の人の舌に合わせたものになっていて,人気があります。

あぁ思い出したら 食べたくなってきた~ (>_<)



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Welcome Y2012 / ようこそ2012年

Happy New Year everyone! Hope that Year 2012 will be a good and fruitful year.
This year is the dragon year. The ornament shown in the picture was bought from Kamakura’s Hasedera when I went sightseeing. For this full one year, it will be sitting right on my office table.

Every year as it is, New Year in tokyo is extremely quiet. Most people take this chance to go home for vacation. And MY only leisure will be — SHOPPING!
SALE, BARGAINS begins from 1st-Jan. I actually enjoy New Year’s day in Tokyo every year

Here I come, SALE ≡≡≡ヘ(*–)ノ


東京の新年はいつも通りとても静かですが,元旦からデパートのセールが始まるので,ちょうど良い『娯楽』になります o(^-^)o 
というわけで、早速セールに行ってきま~ ダッシュ!≡≡≡ヘ(*–)ノ


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Goodbye Y2011 / さよなら2011

According to the Chinese Zodiac, Year 2011 is the year of the rabbit.
How time flies… Today is the last day of Year 2011. In just a few hours time,the rabbit ornament that has been lying in my office for the past one year has to make way for the dragon.

Mr. Rabbit will be cleaned, wrapped and kept where previous animals that had completed their jobs are currently housed. He reminds me that I am going to be an year older again (;_;)

Goodbye,Year 2011…



また一歳年を取るんですね (;_;)

rabbit ornament

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Mirror rice cake / 鏡餅

Mirror shape rice cakes make their appearances near to New Year. These rice cakes which usually come in two-tiers are considered to be an offering item to god during the New Year. To the Japanese people, 28-Dec is an auspicious day to display the mirror rice cake.

Designs to include ornaments of oranges, Japanese beckoning cat (Maneki Neko), representative animal of the Year (following the Chinese astrology of 12 Zodiac animals) sitting on top of the rice cake is fast becoming a standard. This culture most probably rings a bell. Do not be surprised that actually, occasional parts of Japanese cultures are identical to that of Chinese ones.

After some considerations, I opted for the Japanese beckoning cat which is largely believed to bring good luck. ‘MONEY MONEY MONEY’ — I want to strike lottery ($ $)!


来年は辰年なので,龍にするか招き猫にするか悩みましたが,結局招き猫にしました。先日買った年末ジャンボのことを考えると、やっぱり招き猫かなぁと、ね (◎´∀`)v


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Guardian deity / 和み地蔵

Currently residing in Kamakura’s Hasedera temple is the famous stone statue of children’s guardian deity. It enjoys popularity because of its cute, smiling face.


stone statue

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Souvenirs from Kenya / お土産

Do you know what are the representative souvenirs in Kenya?
I received a paperweight today.
Most probably, you can’t tell from these pictures, they are made of stone and are quite heavy.

アフリカのケニアのお土産。ペーパーウェイト,貰っちゃいました (●^□^●)ハハ

Sort of love the bright color when the cover stays shut.

★ 色は鮮やかで,とてもきれい。でも。。。。

And when you try to open the cover….. Oh, is this supposed to be interesting?
I am truly sorry to sound sarcastic. This is supposed to be a souvenir and I should show my appreciation m(_ _)m

★開けてみたら,思わず,えっ! ちょ、ちょっと (」゚ロ゚)」
いえ、ありがたくいただきます。m(_ _)m

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Autumn-like winter / 秋のような冬

Winter this year in tokyo is extremely warm. So warm that shots of the autumn trees were still possible in mid December which is especially true for ginkgo trees. Urbanization has not affected Tokyo badly. Trees blend in well with the bustling city and its people such that cherry blossoms viewing and autumn trees (maple, ginkgo,etc) can be widely enjoyed within the city itself.

The last of the autumn-like winter before gearing myself up for the real cold winter months ahead…



autumn trees
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Illegal dumping / 不法投棄!?

The dismantled bicycle that I saw on my way to work few days ago was still around at the same spot this morning(゚ロ゚). In Japan, it is a must to purchase a garbage disposal ticket in order to dispose off bulky waste (Eco-friendly measures).
So, please refrain from illegal dumping!


dismantled bicycle
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ニックネーム: オリーブ





Bridge-jpn(ブリッジ・ジャパン)では、海外在住の方のために、日本の商品の購入を 代行いたします。商品の海外転送サービスはもちろん、実際にお店に行ってお好みの商 品を見つける買い物代行サービスも行っております。お気軽にお問い合わせください。

Email: bjp-sales@ioss.jp

Bridge.jpn is a shopping agent in Japan. We offer Japan shopping services both online and in-store purchases for people residing overseas looking to buy Japanese products.
We also provide services to buy Ghibli museum tickets & fujiko f fujio museum tickets.

For detail about our services.