海外在住の方のために、日本の商品の購入をサポートします (海外転送、商品購入代行など)

Tag Archives: life style

Lazy pot / イイカゲン鍋!?

No, your eyes are not playing trick on you. These clam shells known as “Meretrix lusoria” are GIANT compared to normal ones in the market and they taste quite good. Most convenient thing is that you don’t have to wait for the sand to be removed.

Simply love claypots during winter. They keep the body warm. Plus the fact that you can just dump basically anything that you have in your fridge is a big convenience for well,, you can call me LaZYBones, but the word I want to use is “BUSY PEOPLE” like me.

Though the picture doesn’t tell enough about the taste, fyi, the taste wasn’t bad at all. *WINK*

写真の貝は『白はまぐり』という貝です。実際ははまぐりとは無関係の『ホンビノスガ イ』という北アメリカ原産の貝らしい。でも見た目は大型のはまぐりで、味もなかなか。
砂抜き作業もいらないので(私がいつも砂抜き済みものを買っているから?)とても 便利です。

さて冬といえば鍋料理。体をぽかぽかにしてくれるので,最高です。今回はこの白ハマ グリがメインで、あとはただ冷蔵庫にある材料を片っ端から入れるだけ。
はい『イイ カゲン鍋』の出来上がり!
まさに怠け者の味方ですね \(^o^)/

今回は,麺の代わりに『すいとん』を入れました。写真ではわからないと思いますが,とて も美味しいんですよ (^_-)-☆
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The meticulous Japanese / 細かい日本人

Road constructions are forever ongoing somewhere in the city of Tokyo.
Usually, a signboard, warning passer-by about the construction work at 100m ahead will be placed from 100m away. (Somehow, the everything systematic Japanese had me wondering if they did measure the distance just to ensure it is precisely 100m).

After walking for another 50m, another signboard pops up again, this time warning about the 50m ahead work. (Wow, the signboards have different distance indications! So how many signboards must be made to support various distance indications?)

And this is not the end. Just when you get near enough to the site, two signboards this time in bright orange pops up again. One warns you of the work ahead and the other cautions you about the narrow road width due to the road construction.

That’s really very kind and methodical though…





100m away from the site

wip signboard

50m away from the site

wip signboard

Just before the site

wip signboard

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Cafe / 喫茶店

I went to this cafe known as “charaku” today.
Though it is sitting just a mere 2 mins walk away from JR Chuo line mitaka station (north exit), most probably only regular customers knew about it because of its “hidden location”. The cafe has a very quiet ambience which I like very much.
And yes, the aroma of the curry. It fills the air some 20m or so away from the shop before even reaching. Upon entering the shop, one is greeted by those nostalgic Japanese music that the cafe is always playing. Well,,, you can call me old, but somehow I feel calm listening to them.

For just 900yen, the cafe offers set lunch with choice of either curry or spaghetti + salad + soup + coffee or tea. I am just wondering if it’s ONLY Japan’s cafe in the world that offers set lunch??




The exterior image of the cafe with terrace seats for those who smoke or would like to enjoy a bit more of the sun.

★ 店の外側のイメージです。

For those who wants to escape from the sun, go inside to indulge yourself in the nostalgic atmosphere.

★ 太陽を避けたい方、ノスタルジーに浸りたい方は店内で。

For those lonely souls, opt for the counter table without worrying about having to share seats.

★ カウンター席も素敵です。一人でも十分くつろげます (≧▽≦)☆

The shop has many such small ornaments all over and thought they blend in well with the antique look of the interior.

★ 店に飾ってある置物や小物が、店のアンティーク調の雰囲気を演出しています。

Finally, my healthy curry rice set came. Of course it tastes as delicious as it looks, but its unlike usual image of a curry because Japan’s curry is NOT HOT at all. 
Its time to get back to work again after some moment of quiet time..

★ おまちかねのカレーセット!
甘口でさっぱりした味。とてもヘルシーなカレーです。 (^o^)b 美味しい~  

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Space saving / スペースの有効利用

Effective space utilization techniques extending to bicycle lots. — Tokyo

★ 都心ではスペースの有効利用は常に課題です。駐輪所まで工夫をしなきゃいけない状態です。

It is grateful to know that the payment machine is linked to commutation ticket, so that choice of card payment other than cash is possible. How convenient!
And by the way, You know WHAT!?
The machine is on “24 hours guard” by a famous security company in japan. I bet the security company welcomes such business with big smiles. (*^o^*)/

★ 精算機は何とSUICAカードが使えます。写真は駐輪場利用精算機ですが、地味ながら も警備システムが付いています (ノ゚⊿゚)ノびっくり!!

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Shopping spree (I) / 買物 (I)

Finally I found a little bit of time to update the items I bought at the outlet last month.

My “shopperholic button” is being triggered again after lying low for a while..
Oh there goes my saving plan for this month ….

To start with, these are the two bottoms that I bought.

ショッピング中毒気味の私。この一年間何とかセールから目を逸らし続けてきたのに・・・。今月の節約計画は見送りです(T T)




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Mitsui outlet park / 三井アウトレットパーク

Here I come, outlet park…

I chanced upon the sale information on the TV. “SALE UP TO 80% OFF” IT SAID.
Wow! Who could RESIST ??? So I was on immediately on my way the very next day.

Nestled in the outskirts of tokyo, mitsui outlet park is an outlet mall (like a factory outlet) whereby most of the Japanese fashion bands are gathered. I always enjoy shopping here, but as the place of my living is far from here, I seldom come UNLESS… they are having sale of course. \(^-^)/

三井アウトレットパークに行ってきました。昨日,偶然にテレビで,セール開催中という宣伝を目にした私。 キタ━(゚∀゚)━!!!!!!!

早速、今日、飛んで行きました。 (電車でだけど。。。)
m(_ _ )m


A feel of the presence of autumn with the line up of trees with their leaves already turned golden.

outlet park

A university located just beside the outlet. Couldn’t help envying the students..

outlet park

An image of the outlet (looks very westernized).

★アウトレットパークのイメージです。 (とても西洋風の建物)
outlet park

An image of the shops in the outlet。

outlet park

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Friends get together / 友達との再開

Yesterday’s foul weather finally gave way to a bright warm sunny day today. Such fine day gives an urge to go out to enjoy the good weather. I visited the home of a friend whom I had not seen for ages.

Come to think of it, visiting someone’s home in japan is a very rare chance for me and especially its someone that I haven’t been seeing for years. I must have gotten too excited and all I could remember was that I was talking, eating and drinking non-stop. I had a whale of a time.

The home is very cozy. On top of the furniture and layout, in my opinion, a bit of decorations here and there certainly does the additional work. I must say I have no idea when it comes to home decorations. I thought I have no sense and so, I couldn’t be bothered with it. But obviously, you don’t need to be an expert for some minor transformations. All it takes is a bit of imaginations, a bit of effort and a few playful touches. I picked up a few items that I thought seems interesting.




Some decorations on the door to greet you to start your morning with before heading off to work.

★ ドアでの飾りが可愛くて、暖かい気持ちになります。

Didn’t know that the combination of dry flowers, twigs and small little decorations can turn into something creative d(^o^)b.

★ この飾り物、ドライフラワーと小枝や小物の組み合わせがなかなか個性的です♪

Oh no! All I know is that this was from Germany. Don’t ask me what it is because I was too busily trying to take pictures than listened to the explanation ( ̄へ ̄|||) .And by the way, the numbers ended at 24.

★ 写真を撮ることに夢中になって、飾り物に関する話を聞き取れませんでした。
ごめんなさいm(_ _)m。 ドイツの物らしいんですが・・・。

With a few imaginations, even old plain pine cones can turn into wonders.

★ 想像力をちょっと働かせるだけで、ただの松かさがこんなに可愛く変身するんですね!

Good company, good food, good weather what other else to ask for? Moreover, I was presented with special souvenirs (rice cracker). A deserved to be mention is that the cracker come with a momiji (maple leaf)! WOW, its really beyond beyond description. Creative!

★ お土産までもらいちゃいました。 (*^-^*) なんと紅葉が入っているお煎餅です~~斬新!

Finally, I knew that maple leaves ARE EDIBLE. It just tastes like ………… leaf, that’s all (LOL). Of course, the cracker is nice.

★ 紅葉が食べられると初めて知りました(*○*)!! お煎餅の味はもちろん美味しいです!紅葉の味は…………ただの葉っぱの味ですが。。。

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otooya lunch / ランチ –大戸屋

I took lunch at one of my favourite japanese restaurant called ootoya.

Besides chinese food, Japanese food tops my list of favourite foods. Not that I had experience with so many different types of cuisines around the world, but my preference for food are those which are “light”. When I mean “light”, vegetables are a MUST, oily foods are out, all meat only dishes are out, serving must not be too big (I must admit that I am not a big-eater) and foods that are saltish is a No No.

In general, the food balance for Japanese set lunch or dinner (known as teisyoku) are very well considered. Few types of vegetables usually accompany the set with miso soup. Its important for people like me who don’t do much cooking to include a bit of intake of every kind and they make me feel healthy.

Today’s lunch set is claypot stew chicken cutlet. I must admit I am 100% satisfied. (*^o^*)/


基本的に,野菜(性格も草食系( ̄ー ̄)ニヤ )と、さっぱりした味のものが好みです。 和食は色々な食材が入っていて、栄養のバランスがとても良く,健康に良いと思います。普段あまり自炊しない私にとって,大変ありがたいです。


lunch set

close up

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Beverage Vending Machine / 飲み物の自動販売機

I have never ceased to be amazed by the beverage vending machines of Japan. There are always a wide choice of variety ranging from sport drinks to mineral water to tea to coffee and others for one to choose from. Occasionally, there are even seasonal beverages, new types of drinks or even new flavors up for grasp. The vending machines are never left empty. The stocks are always replenished even at the most remote part of the country.

See, this vending even has a LCD display showing latest new!

Just wondering if there are other people besides me who will try to read the news?



写真の自動販売機にはLCDディスプレイが付いており、最新のニュースが流れています。日本の自動販売機はどこまで便利になるのでしょうか (^ ^;

beverage machine

Beverage machine

By the way, you don’t need to understand japanese to identify which are the cold drinks or which are the hot drink ones. Its differentiated by the color of the price tags where blue represents cold drink and red represents hot drinks.

beverage machine

red and blue price tags

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ニックネーム: オリーブ





Bridge-jpn(ブリッジ・ジャパン)では、海外在住の方のために、日本の商品の購入を 代行いたします。商品の海外転送サービスはもちろん、実際にお店に行ってお好みの商 品を見つける買い物代行サービスも行っております。お気軽にお問い合わせください。

Email: bjp-sales@ioss.jp

Bridge.jpn is a shopping agent in Japan. We offer Japan shopping services both online and in-store purchases for people residing overseas looking to buy Japanese products.
We also provide services to buy Ghibli museum tickets & fujiko f fujio museum tickets.

For detail about our services.