I stumbled upon this Cosplay shop at one of the many Cosplay shops in Shinjuku. The wide variety of the costumes on displayed caught me by surprise. Cosplay has seem to follow the path of fashion, fast becoming a constant changing trend.
Recent Cosplay shopping sites even sell items similar to that of AKB48, KARA, etc (My apology for sounding like a country bumpkin. I don’t have much knowledge about this). Just in case if you are wondering what on earth is AKB48, Kara, they are famous idol gals group in Japan.
(実は今までコスプレの世界は全く知りませんでした m(_ _)m ゴメンナサイ)
Lum, the famous Japanese animation character. Isn’t she gorgeous?
★ やっぱりラムちゃんは人気。色っぽくて,かわいいですね。

Female sexy version of Santa Claus Cosplay which only show up near Christmas season. Overly seductive (^_-)☆
★クリスマス期間中に出ているサンタのコスプレ。セクシーなサンタになりそう (*’-^)-☆

Designs of uniform costumes base on the spec of Japan high school gal uniforms have been so diversified probably due to their popularity demand? Youth = beauty! Forever 18 v(^-^)v
★ セーラー服や女子高の制服もたくさん。
これを着て女子高生の頃に戻りたい p(*゜▽゜*)q

The ever popular maid Cosplay. Look closely (@_@) They even have the Santa Claus version!
★ 定番のメイド服。よく見て!(@_@)サンタバージョンもありますよ~

Wouldn’t it be fun to try to catch your guy with this policewoman miniskirt cosplay (^_-)☆
★ ミニスカポリスに変身! 彼氏を逮捕してみては!? ヾ(●´▽`●)ノ彡☆
