Image in Vivi magazine
Let famous Japanese fashion brands coordinate for you!
This sweet Japanese fashion style is featured in the April issue of Vivi (famous Japanese fashion magazine). A promotional coordination set that comes in a total of
4 items at JUST 12,600yen for a limited period of time only.
Convenient for those who are lazy to think about coordinating.
Quantity is limited so Inquire early if you do not want to miss out.
4 Items:
Tulle dress with puff sleeve + Heart shape bag + Ribbon Valletta + Thin belt
流行のチュールワンピースを含むこのセット,値段はなんと¥12,600とお買い得 Σ(゚Д゚;エーッ!
商品の内容: チュールパフスリワンピース + ハートバッグ + リボンバレッタ + 細ベルト
- Tulle dress: Off-white / チュールワンピース: ホワイト
- Heart shape bag: Salmon pink / ハートバッグ: サーモンピンク
- Ribbon Valletta: Pink + Off-white / リボンバレッタ: ピンクとホワイト
- Thin belt: Grayish / 細ベルト: グレー