Today’s fashion coordination pickup point will be something that is sweet and casual for maxi skirts fashion lovers.
『Majestic legon』からの春らしい,スウィート&カジュアルなマキシスカートスタイルコーデをピックアップしました。
A very sweet open-knit pointelle pullover that stands out with the emphasized wavy lines prints. A wide 5 color variations are available for choice.
★ ガーリーな波々ボーダー柄デザインの透かし編みニットプルオーバーです。豊富なカラーバリエーションが魅力です☆
Maxi dress will continue to stay on trend this year.
A dual way simple, soft chiffon maxi dress that can be worn as a maxi skirt too (like the coordinate in the picture). The gathered enhanced the flowing features and the fitted waist gives a flattering silhouette. This chic and causal style is a plus for daily wear.
★ 柔らかなシフォン素材のトレンドのマキシワンピースです。