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Tag Archives: beautiful women

2006ミス・ユニバース・ジャパン ― 知花くらら


今でも,時々間違えたりします。 (ボケとは関係ないです) ☆( ̄  ̄)…

まさに,知的美人ですよ d(^o^)b


Japanese beauty / kurara Chibana Miss Japan 2006

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Japanese models of mixed parentage / ハーフモデル

Have you ever wonder what will be the mixed races of Japanese women’s faces be like? Today, I will introduce a few gorgeous Japanese beautiful women who are of mixed parentage.

They are actually Japanese models with either one of the parents a Japanese and another of different race. They are very famous and their faces are not only all over Japanese fashion magazines, they even make appearances in TV shows and commercials.

Although it was said that root of Japanese is divided into only two groups (Jomon and Yayoi), I feel that the faces of Japanese women has wide variations. And also, there are really too many beautiful Japanese women.


両親のどちらが日本人で,外国人・・・特に非アジア系の人の血が混じることで,顔立ちがはっきりし、とても綺麗になると思います。 日本人のルーツは,大別して縄文人と弥生人の2種類だと言われますが,私には日本人の女性の顔はもっと多彩に感じられます。

1: Michibata Jessica (Age 28 -Model,talent) / 道端ジェシカ (27歳 -モデル,タレント)
Japan + Argentine & Italy / 【日本+アルゼンチン&イタリア 】

2: Hasegawa Jun (Age 26 -Model,talent) / 長谷川潤 (27歳 -モデル,タレント)
Japan + America / 【日本+アメリカ 】

mixed race model

3: Fuji Lena (Age 28 -Model) / 藤井リナ (28歳 -モデル,アーティスト,歌手。)
Japan + Japan&America / 【日本+日米ハーフ 】

4: Triendl Reina (Age 20 -Model, talent) / トリンドル 玲奈 (20歳 -モデル,タレント)
Japan + Australia / 【日本+オーストリア 】

mixed race model

5: Rola (Age 22 -Model,talent) / ローラ (22歳 -モデル,talent)
Bangladesh + Japan & Russia / 【バングラデシュ+日本&ロシア 】

6: LIZA (Age 23 -Model,talent) / リーザ (23歳 -モデル,タレント)
Japan + Germany / 【日本+ドイツ 】

mixed race model
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Japanese women with young faces / 童顔女性芸能人

Its been known that Japanese women tend to look younger than their age. I couldn’t agreed more with it, after spending years of living here, “studying” the faces of Japanese women.

My “object of study” took place in trains, supermarkets, streets, restaurants and even television. Frankly I am not sure if its the power or makeups or eating habits or the skincare efforts that Japanese women in to stay young. I haven’t got a clue, but there are in fact many young looking pregnant women, mothers with children, elderly women with few wrinkles on face, young women with flawless skin and rosy cheeks.

This time round, I will introduce a few famous Japanese women whom I think look way below their age.

日本人の女性は実年齢より若く見えると言います。私は日本に何年も暮らしていますが,正直凄く共感できます。電車の中や町中で良く女性の顔を『観察』します(私も女性なのですが)。メイク力なのか,地道なスキンケアの成果なのか,それとも食べ物のせい? 確かに日本人の女性は若々しく見えます。日本に住み続ければ,いつの日か私も若々しく見えるようなるのでしょうか?( ̄∀ ̄;)


1: Aoi yu (Age 27 -Actress, model) / 蒼井優 (27歳 -女優,モデル)
Doesn’t Aoi yu look like a secondary school student? Most of the time, I was even wondering if she is wearing any makeups at all on national TV. It might sounds scary(?), I had a feeling that perhaps she never will age.

★ 中学生? と思えるほど若々しい蒼井優さんです。彼女をテレビで見ると,いつもほぼノーメイクのように感じます。彼女は人懐っこい顔が特徴ですが,ずっと少女のままのように若々しいですね (老化が止まちゃった?)。

2: Miyazaki aoi (Age 27 -Actress) / 宮崎あおい (27歳 -女優)
A face that is highly exposed in CM, dramas and movies. Many might think that Miyazaki aoi is still single because of her baby-face. Actually she was married, but got divorced only recently.

★ CM・ドラマや映画で大活躍の宮崎あおいさんです。とても子供っぽい顔が特徴ですが,実はもう結婚して,つい最近離婚までしてしまいました。


3: Ueto aya (Age 27 -Actress,singer,model) / 上戸彩 (27才 -女優,歌手,モデル)
Ueto aya is known as the “Queen of CM” since she appeared in many CM. Her pure and innocent looks could be a big factor to her popularity. She looks very fresh for a 27 years old.

★ CM女王の上戸彩さんです。清純なイメージが人気な秘密なんじゃないかと思います。27歳とは思えない爽やかさですね。

4: Ishihara satomi (Age 26 -Actress) / 石原さとみ (26歳 -女優)
Although Ishihara satomi looks very young, she had owned a big name in the entertainment, acting in many important in dramas. She has beautiful skin and full lips.

★ 若いながらも,実力派女優No.1と言われる石原さとみさんです。綺麗な肌とプックリとした唇が特徴です。


5: Inoue mao (Age 27 -Actress) / 井上真央 (25歳 -女優)
Inoue mao was made famous after appearing as the lead actress for dram “Boys over Flowers” (base on manga). Doesn’t she look cute?

★ 大人気の『花より男子』というドラマで,すっかり有名になった井上真央さん。可愛いですね♪

6: Fukada kyouko (Age 30 -Actress, singer, talent) / 深田恭子 (30歳 -女優,歌手、タレント)
Despite the fact that Fukada kyouko’s face is simply flawless and wrinkle-free. How could that be for a 30 years old?

★ 深キョンの愛称で親しまれる深田恭子さん。30歳なのに顔には全く皺が見えません。どういうことだろう? 羨ましい~


7: Adachi yumi (Age 31 -Actress,talent) / 安達祐実 (31歳 -女優、タレント)
Adachi yumi first made her appearance as a child star. It was said that her face stayed the same from childhood. But don’t be surprised that she was divorced with a child.

★ 童顔の代表,安達祐美さん。『子役時代から、顔が変わっていない』と言われます。こう見えても、彼女は一児の母なんですよ。離婚しちゃいましたが。

8: Asada mao (Age 21 Figure skater) / 浅田真央 (21歳 フィギュアスケート選手)
From age 15, Asada Mao, a figure skater has been representing Japan in many competitions. She was known as the “fairy on ice” from her lovely performance on ice and voted as “most favourite sports woman” in Japan.

★ 15歳の時から,フィギュアスケート日本代表として活躍している浅田真央さんです。その可愛くて可憐な演技から『氷の妖精』と言われます。オリコンによる「好きなスポーツ選手ランキング」の女性部門で,一位に選ばれました。


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Japanese beauty / 美人タレント二人

So to all guys who are crazy about Japanese ladies. This is a little introduction about two popular actress cum fashion model, who are favourite candidates for recent commercials, probably owning to their beautiful soothing faces.

P.S: Everyone’s criteria of beauty is different. I am sorry if my definition of beauty is a bit different from yours m(_ _)m


sasaki nozomi / 佐々木希 (ささきのぞみ)
Akita prefecture is well known in japan for “producing” beautiful japanese women (so guys, quick! What are your waiting for?) ≡≡≡ヘ(*゚∇゚)ノ.
And.. .. yes, indeed sasaki nozomi was born in Akita prefecture. Its very indescribable, its like her beauty takes one’s breath away in my opinion.

★ 秋田県出身の佐々木希さん。秋田美人の独特な顔立ちですね。彼女の美貌といった ら、それはもう、息が止まりそうなくらい(おおげさ?)。個人的に,彼女の顔にとても憧れています。

A look at the representative commercial for sasaki nozomi /

takeiemi / 武井咲 (たけいえみ)
Would you believe it? She will be 18 only in the next coming month! Maybe due to her age, she gives me an image of a very pure, energetic girl who looks fantastic even without makeups (never seen her without makeup before though). And oh her smile. It gives a sense of sincererity.

★ 来月18歳になる武井咲さんですが,大人っぽいと思いませんか? 彼女はとても純粋で,元気で,すっぴんでも全然可愛い女性というイメージ。笑顔が特に素敵です。

A look at the the representative commercial for takeiemi /

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