So to all guys who are crazy about Japanese ladies. This is a little introduction about two popular actress cum fashion model, who are favourite candidates for recent commercials, probably owning to their beautiful soothing faces.
P.S: Everyone’s criteria of beauty is different. I am sorry if my definition of beauty is a bit different from yours m(_ _)m
sasaki nozomi / 佐々木希 (ささきのぞみ)
Akita prefecture is well known in japan for “producing” beautiful japanese women (so guys, quick! What are your waiting for?) ≡≡≡ヘ(*゚∇゚)ノ.
And.. .. yes, indeed sasaki nozomi was born in Akita prefecture. Its very indescribable, its like her beauty takes one’s breath away in my opinion.
★ 秋田県出身の佐々木希さん。秋田美人の独特な顔立ちですね。彼女の美貌といった
A look at the representative commercial for sasaki nozomi /

takeiemi / 武井咲 (たけいえみ)
Would you believe it? She will be 18 only in the next coming month! Maybe due to her age, she gives me an image of a very pure, energetic girl who looks fantastic even without makeups (never seen her without makeup before though). And oh her smile. It gives a sense of sincererity.
★ 来月18歳になる武井咲さんですが,大人っぽいと思いませんか? 彼女はとても純粋で,元気で,すっぴんでも全然可愛い女性というイメージ。笑顔が特に素敵です。
A look at the the representative commercial for takeiemi /