思わずスリスリしたくなるくらい可愛いポムポムプリンの二人がけソファー (●^▽^●)
でも,まずスペースの確保が必要となりますよ~ (大丈夫?)
思わずスリスリしたくなるくらい可愛いポムポムプリンの二人がけソファー (●^▽^●)
でも,まずスペースの確保が必要となりますよ~ (大丈夫?)
なんと,ガンタムと豆腐屋さんがコラボした新作豆腐が3月28日から発売されました! 人気アニメが現実の世界にやって来またね \(◎о◎)/
★ ザク豆腐のパッケージです。従来の豆腐とは全く違うイメージですね。
★ 鮮やかな緑色の容器で,かなりリアル。赤い目玉もしっかり付いていますよ♪
m(_ _)m ゴメンナサイ
★ 緑色の機体をイメージして,中身のお豆腐も緑色で,形もくずれてない!
★ ちなみに本物のガンタムのMS-06ザクはこんな感じです。
デコポンという名前を初めて聞いたのは私が日本に来て1年経った時です (^-^;)
友達に「デコポンは甘くて美味しいよ」と言われ、「何? テポドンが美味しい!?」って、ひどい勘違い (;゜д゜)ノ≡●~*
Image picked up from ViVi
This sweet dress is featured in the famous Japanese magazine, ViVi.
Fit and flare style is the recent trend in dresses in Japan. Love the overall design from the small details of the transparent dot tulle around the shoulders, high-waist, decor around the chests and who can forget about the Peter pan collars! They just enhanced the feminine style.
And also, the big plus is that the Peter Pan Collar is detachable!
The kawaii culture extended to the construction work sites.
“Mum, look! Giraffes”, the yelling from excited children could be heard from far.
No doubt, children enjoy these animals barricades.
日本人には工事現場でも『工夫しなければ!』というこだわりがあるようです (●⌒∀⌒●)∩
The famous delicious Japanese gourmets — (chirashizushi, dango, unagi, nikujyaga, taraba gani, oden, etc).
Could you actually tell that these are iphone cases? Look real don’t they? They are made by food samples craftsman (same as those food samples that you normally see at Japanese restaurants).
Maybe these do help in reducing the crave for hometown food, for Japanese who are currently residing in foreign countries ( v^-゚)
美味しそうな和食の数々! (*^-^*)
Popular cosmetic brand RMK, came up with special edition cheek palatte, to celebrate their 15th anniversary. The design is created with the image of a little fairy dressed in petal. Looks cute? Does it capture your heart? It could make a fabulous gift too.
A 6 colors set that has its color balancing considered and it is limited edition.
Just mix the colors with a blush to give a natural clear coloring and add a touch of glossiness to the skin.
。゚( ゚^∀^゚)゚。
This new generation intelligent beverage vending machine has been the talk of the town since its release last year end.
I had my first encounter with it within the train station itself. To my amazement, the machine’s size is big! Not only is the display liquid crystal of supreme high quality, its touch screen operation and also equipped with innovative functions. In short, high-tech and images are crystal clear.
駅の構内に設置してある,話題のacure(アキュア)という名前のとても賢い自販機を紹介します。まず,とにかくサイズが大きいことに驚きます Σ(○д○ノ)ノ
Firstly, I did a little observing on the machine from some distance away. When nobody was around, the machine will auto display beverages which it “analysed” best suits the temperature and time.
★ ちょっと離れたところで,観察してみます。人がいないと,その時の時間帯・気温に合わせた大きな商品イメージを表示します。
Vending machine image
Next, I went a bit closer to the machine (within sensor boundary). The screen automatically switched to show the list of available beverages. Is it my imagination that all beverages look delicious?
Beverage list
Then I proceeded to position myself right in front of the machine. And know what? The machine tried to recommend drinks that it thought best suited me, by displaying “For you” indications besides some of the beverages.
According to information by maker, this machine actually made recommendations after analyzing customer’s age, gender, time and temperature during purchase. Wow, cool! Doesn’t it sound superb to have a machine estimating your age? They probably count wrinkles, blemishes…
★ さらに近づくと・・・いくつかの商品に『おすすめ』マークが表示されました。この自販機、客の年代と性別を判定し,さらに時間帯や日の気温も考慮して,お薦めの商品を決めるとのこと。お見事!
Beverage auto selection
And what you had chosen will be shown large on the screen. After confirming the price and item, pay and that’s it. You still have the option to cancel this transaction! Isn’t it convenient?
そして商品を選ぶとそれが大きく表示され,値段と商品を確認してから,商品を購入す ることができます。キャンセルもできますよ。便利ですね d(^o^)b ィィんえ
Chosen beverage
These lovely room shoes are designed and produced by a Japanese model.
Altogether, the pastel colors (in the pictures) and the ribbon with the glossy pearls at the front looks extremely sweet. The material is soft to the touch and feels so comfortable to wear.
Not only as a room shoes, but it suitable for wearing in the hotel rooms during travelling.
写真のモデルは,全体がパステルカラー調で,フロントのリボンと艶めくパールがとてもスウィート☆ 柔らかくて肌触りの良い生地で,履き心地が良さそう ~
ルームシューズとしてはもちろん,トラベルシューズとしても重宝しそうです ♪
Limited edition lip cheek makeup
This limited edition (limited stock) dual purpose makeup for the cheek and lip is a new release.
Application on the lip adds a faint shade of red to it and the result is natural.
The trick to achieve a florid complexion or enhance the coloring is to use it as a base, prior to the application of cheek makeup or lip gloss.
Reviews are good, with many saying that the result was very natural although they were surprised by the “blood-color like” when they first opened up the cover.
To add-on, some users even use for their eye makeups.
In all, this is a really convenient multiple usage color enhancement makeup.
『マジョリカ マジョルカ』の『ブラッドオン』という数量限定発売の商品を紹介します。
キャッチコピーは“ほおに唇に、血色レアルレッドカラー” ということで、指で色を載せるだけでほんのりの赤みを増すことができるという商品です。
『赤みを増す』ということに特化した商品,ちょっと便利かも ♪