Yesterday’s foul weather finally gave way to a bright warm sunny day today. Such fine day gives an urge to go out to enjoy the good weather. I visited the home of a friend whom I had not seen for ages.
Come to think of it, visiting someone’s home in japan is a very rare chance for me and especially its someone that I haven’t been seeing for years. I must have gotten too excited and all I could remember was that I was talking, eating and drinking non-stop. I had a whale of a time.
The home is very cozy. On top of the furniture and layout, in my opinion, a bit of decorations here and there certainly does the additional work. I must say I have no idea when it comes to home decorations. I thought I have no sense and so, I couldn’t be bothered with it. But obviously, you don’t need to be an expert for some minor transformations. All it takes is a bit of imaginations, a bit of effort and a few playful touches. I picked up a few items that I thought seems interesting.
おかげで、この週末はすっかり充電ができて、また頑張るパワーを貰いましたヾ(^▽^)ノSome decorations on the door to greet you to start your morning with before heading off to work.
★ ドアでの飾りが可愛くて、暖かい気持ちになります。
Didn’t know that the combination of dry flowers, twigs and small little decorations can turn into something creative d(^o^)b.
★ この飾り物、ドライフラワーと小枝や小物の組み合わせがなかなか個性的です♪
Oh no! All I know is that this was from Germany. Don’t ask me what it is because I was too busily trying to take pictures than listened to the explanation ( ̄へ ̄|||) .And by the way, the numbers ended at 24.
★ 写真を撮ることに夢中になって、飾り物に関する話を聞き取れませんでした。
ごめんなさいm(_ _)m。 ドイツの物らしいんですが・・・。

With a few imaginations, even old plain pine cones can turn into wonders.
★ 想像力をちょっと働かせるだけで、ただの松かさがこんなに可愛く変身するんですね!
Good company, good food, good weather what other else to ask for? Moreover, I was presented with special souvenirs (rice cracker). A deserved to be mention is that the cracker come with a momiji (maple leaf)! WOW, its really beyond beyond description. Creative!
★ お土産までもらいちゃいました。 (*^-^*) なんと紅葉が入っているお煎餅です~~斬新!
Finally, I knew that maple leaves ARE EDIBLE. It just tastes like ………… leaf, that’s all (LOL). Of course, the cracker is nice.
★ 紅葉が食べられると初めて知りました(*○*)!! お煎餅の味はもちろん美味しいです!紅葉の味は…………ただの葉っぱの味ですが。。。