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Category Archives: cosmetics & skincare (化粧品/スキンケア)

Sunscreen / 日焼け止

Sunscreen or sunblock plays a very important role when it comes to anti-aging measures. Many brands of sunscreen are available in Japan. Today, I will just pickup two that enjoys high rating here.


Nivea Sun / ニベアサン (SPF30)

593yen (~USD7.70) / 80g

The top in ranking is “Nivea Sun” which is a product by KAO. For few years, it has been awarded as one of the Best Sunscreens in Japan. If you happen to be checking this article by chance, it will be good to know that Nivea sunscreen is probably easily obtainable in most part of the world and it is very affordable.

I will translate some common positive reviews about it from the users:

  • I like the fact it’s gel type and the face does not go white after application.
  • What I like most is the texture which doesn’t feel oily or even sticky on the face.
  • Special type of cleanser removal is not needed, which is a plus for me.
  • It feels so light on the skin that you don’t feel the application at all.
  • I don’t encounter skin irritation after using.

The amazing part is that I don’t really see much negative reviews from users out of the 2904 write-ins. I just pick up two for your information.

  • It feels just like water, thus I can’t use it as base for makeup.
  • I put it on during travelling to school. Though I repeated applications, my skin still turns dark (probably SPF30 isn’t enough during summer season?).



  • ジェルタイプで,白くならない
  • テクスチャーはさらさらしている,べたつかない
  • 落とすのも専用のクレンジングがいらないので使いやすいです
  • とても軽い使用感
  • 肌荒れもせずとても使いやすかった


  • ウォーターというだけあって、水のようにするんとした感じです。ですから,化粧下地としては私は駄目でした
  • 通学時に使ってました。何度も塗りなおしましたが、焼けちゃいました。

ALLIE by Kanebo, released 9 months ago is a more expensive version which is slowly gaining in popularity. Of course, the deserved to be mentioned point is that Kanebo is a very famous cosmetic company in Japan. Over the years, they had released many series of sunscreens and the series are constantly improving.


ALLIE / アリィー (SPF50)

2,940yen (~USD38) / 60g

Ok, here you go. These are the positive reviews from users.

  • Spreads and blend easily onto the face.
  • It doesn’t go white on the face and is not sticky consider its a SPF50.
  • In spite of its high SPF, its unexpectedly light on the face.
  • I don’t burn under the sun after application.

And not forgetting the negative review from users. Like the Nivea Sun, ALLIE also doesn’t have much negative reviews from the 1211 write-ins. Again, I picked up two.

  • It seems too drying for my face.
  • Applying mixture of the screen and foundation in a hurry make the face looks very dirty.

My Opinion:
I will reserve my comment for these two products since I have yet to give them a try. Speaking about preference, I will prefer SPF higher than what Nivea offers (30). I am currently using Annesa by Shiseido, which I am quite satisfied with the texture and how well it blends into my skin. I think I will stick to it for a while more and switch to ALLIE if I have chance.



  • 伸びがよく,塗ったらすぐに馴染む
  • テクスチャーはさらさらしている,べたつかない
  • SPF50なのに白くならないし、ベタベタ感なし
  • 高いSPFなのに想像以上に軽い付け心地
  • 半日外にいましたが焼けませんでした


  • 乾燥が気になり
  • 急いで化粧をしたいときに、これを顔全体に塗ってからパウダーファンデーションを使うと日焼け止めとパウダーファンデーションの粉が混ざって、ポロポロした垢みたいなものがでてきます。

私は両商品とも使ったことはないので,具体的なコメントはできませんが,個人な好み としては,どうしてもSPF30以上のものが欲しいです。今は,資生堂の『アネッサ』という商品を使っています。伸びが良く,塗ったらすぐに馴染むところが気に入っています。しばらく,『浮気』はしないと思いますが。。。機会があれば,アリィーを使ってみたいです。

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Grand prix Top 3 Award (Y2011) / 2011総合大賞

Its time to update the once in a year Top 3 Best Cosmetic Awards announced by @cosme (a big cosmetic portal site in japan). The latest result came out this just a week ago and the grand prix award goes to the following 3 items:

3 cosmetics items
  • Dior Addict Lip Maximizer (3,675yen) — Dior
  • Detergent for Puffs and Sponges (105yen) — Daiso
  • Foundation Brush 131 (1,890yen) — Shiseido

For the first time, they even make the English version.

You might like to check out this link for further details.

Applicable products:- cosmetics,non medical products,make up kits,beauty supplements,beauty tools


  • ディオール アディクト リップ マキシマイザー (3,675円) — ディオール
  • パフ・スポンジ専用洗剤 (105円) — ザ・ダイソー
  • ファンデーションブラシ (1,890円) — 資生堂

対象商品:- 化粧品、医薬部外品、化粧小物、美容効果のあるサプリメント,美容器具


Posted in cosmetics & skincare (化粧品/スキンケア), popular products (人気商品) Category: cosmetics & skincare (化粧品/スキンケア), popular products (人気商品) | Tagged , | コメントは受け付けていません。 | Bookmark the permalink

Face up powder (II) / フェースアップパウダー (II)

This is a continuation of the article that I had touched on earlier about the face up power by kanebo. It will begin selling 2 weeks later for a limited period of time only. The next version will come out a year later if you miss out this one.

Here it is, if you would like to recall a little bit about the article.

Today I will touch on how to achieve the skin transparency look (radiant, glow) using this face up powder. This is picked up and translated with reference from kanebo site. Face up powder is applied only after base and foundation.

  • Step1 – With the powder puff, apply bit by bit by pressing lightly focusing on the cheek area.
    Tip for a longer lasting makeup: Apply from the bottom to top against the direction of downy hair.
  • Step 2 – Apply in the same manner as step 1 to the the cheek, bridge of the nose, areas around the nostril and mouth for a well-blended tone.
  • Step 3 – For delicate areas around the eyes, nostrils and corners around the mouth, fold the powder puff into half and apply.
  • Step 4 – Its complete as long as it feels smooth and not oily when touched. Use a clean brush or new powder puff to brush off residual powder.

On the issue whether its the Cosmetic Power that makes Japanese women shines, I will leave it to you to think about it (^_-)



これであなたも透明美肌!? 日本のコスメは素晴らしいと思います。男性の皆さんは要注意ですね。(゜▽゜*)♪

steps to powdering

powdering technique

Here is a little additional information that I picked up from the cosmetic portal site that might be of reference to you. It shows the skin type of the 1000 over users who use kanebo face up power and from the data, combination skin which is the most difficult to take care of tops the majority. Hope this information helps.


skin types of users

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Face up powder (I) / フェースアップパウダー (I)

face up powder

Face up powder produced by kanebo had enjoyed fame as one of the best cosmetics in year 2010 award by @cosme (data gathered from user’s feedback). The ratings to date is a 5.4 out of 7 (from total of 1127 reviews). It continues to show popularity through this year with high reviews from users who are using this product and it seems prior reservation must be made to obtain it (reservation period opened from June ~ Sep), but still, it will be opened up for purchases (limited) from mid dec.

Some of the positive comments were:

  • It gives the skin a sense of transparency (glowing, radiant).
  • It looks so natural after application.
  • Makeup stays fresh throughout the day
  • The fine-textured power helps in covering up the pores giving the skin a healthy look.

Every cosmetic no matter how good the quality is, depending on a person’s skin condition, it might not be suitable for every one. So there are bound to be negative comments. Here it goes:

  • Taking into consideration of its price (expensive), I don’t see how it does wonder to my face.
  • I disagreed on the part where it stay fresh throughout the day.
  • It seems too dry for the skin.

By the way, I certainly like the exquisite case design and the picture of an engraved angel on the powder. Actually, the design and color of the case changes (pink for Year 2011) every year and would you believe it(?), some people buy it for the sake of the CASE!!

But actually on top of the case, it seems there are some enhancement made to the powder. I will touch a bit on the characteristics (enhancement point) of faceup power for Year 2012 and points on how to obtain the radiant look on Part (II) . So do stay tune in.

12,600yen, inclusive of tax (~163USD)



  • 透明感がでて、肌が綺麗に見える
  • 化粧が崩れにい
  • テカらない
  • キメが細かい
  • カバー力がある


  • 値段や評価の割に良さが感じらない
  • 時間が経つにつれて崩れてしまい、崩れかたもすごく汚くなってしまった
  • 季節を問わず,肌が乾燥する


デザイン以外にも商品自体改善されているとのことで,とても期待ができる商品だと思います (≧▽≦)☆。

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Top 3 beauty items (Y2010) / ベストコスメ大賞2010

To all cosmetics crazy fans out there!

@cosme, a large community site (in Japan) gathering information on beauty products, had compiled the top 3 beauty items for year 2010.

  • Mix Blush cheek Compact Powder — Jill Stuart
  • Mild Cleansing Oil — Fancyl
  • Superbalm Moisturing Gloss — Clinique

Note that reviews were computed based on number of users’ feedback and ratings base on the scale 0~7 points for all involved products.

Applicable products:- cosmetics,non medical products,make up kits,beauty supplements,beauty tools


  • ミックスブラッシュ コンパクト — ジルスチュアート
  • マイルドクレンジング オイル — ファンケル
  • スーパーバーム モイスチャライジング グロス — クリニーク

対象商品:- 化粧品、医薬部外品、化粧小物、美容効果のあるサプリメント,美容器具

reference site (サイトリンク)

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