There is this cake shop within the grounds of Chou line’s Mitaka station. The shop is selling freshly baked pies and tarts with generous toppings of fresh fruits, besides cakes. I love especially their tarts, but calories is my greatest enemy when I am on diet. I have since made efforts to “distant” myself from the shop for quite a while.
On valentine’s day, I decided “why not?” and went down to get myself a piece of cake and a tart.
TOOoooo satisfying, the cake and tart.
A few rounds of extreme work-outs will follow next after I went home today -=≡ヘ(*・ω・)ノ
三鷹駅の構内で、FLO(プロ・プレステージュ)というスイーツの店があります。 ケーキを初め,新鮮なフルーツがたっぷり載ったタルトとパイの種類が多く,どれもとても美味しそうです (●^□^●)
や、やっぱりおいしい~! シアワ(●゚∀゚●)セ━!!!!
明日からまた“鉄の掟”復活。頑張って走りま~す -=≡ヘ(*・ω・)ノ
Doesn’t the cake box look artistic?
★ ボックもなかなかお洒落。
1. Red fruit custard tart / 赤いフルーツのカスタードタルト
Huge combination toppings of all sorts of berries. Strawberries, raspberries, dark cherries, red-currants, and mulberries. Too luxurious! *yummy*
★ 苺・フランボワーズ・ダークチェリー・アカスグリ・桑の実がたっぷりで,贅沢すぎる。
幸せ~ 。・:*:・( ̄∇ ̄人)。・:*:・
2. Chocolat amer / ショコラアメール
A very thick, concentrated chocolate cake that melts instantly in your mouth. The strong taste of melted chocolate “secretly spreads” to the entire mouth. Indescribable, the level of deliciousness!
★ 濃厚で,コクのあるチョコレートケーキ。 口の中で一瞬で溶けて,チョコレートの香りがぶわーっと広がる。美味しすぎる~