Hello kitty Mascara
Its still up for grasp for those Hello Kitty fans out there. The Hello Kitty (package is of limited edition) Volum Express Hypercurl mascara from Maybelline.
Description: Volum Express Hypercurl mascara thickens the eyelashes thrice its volume. The curl technology ensures the curls keep and stay for as long as 18 hours and its ultra waterproof formula has strong resistant against water, sweat, tears.
メイベリンの【ボリューム エクスプレス ハイパーカール ウォータープルーフ】はまつげを濃くし,3倍*ボリームオン!さらに,ぐいっとリフトアップしたまつ毛を,しっかり18時間*カールキープ Σ(・ω・ノ)ノ
水・汗・涙に強いウォータープルーフタイプ o(*’▽’*)/☆゜