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Monthly Archives: 3月 2012

Japanese models of mixed parentage / ハーフモデル

Have you ever wonder what will be the mixed races of Japanese women’s faces be like? Today, I will introduce a few gorgeous Japanese beautiful women who are of mixed parentage.

They are actually Japanese models with either one of the parents a Japanese and another of different race. They are very famous and their faces are not only all over Japanese fashion magazines, they even make appearances in TV shows and commercials.

Although it was said that root of Japanese is divided into only two groups (Jomon and Yayoi), I feel that the faces of Japanese women has wide variations. And also, there are really too many beautiful Japanese women.


両親のどちらが日本人で,外国人・・・特に非アジア系の人の血が混じることで,顔立ちがはっきりし、とても綺麗になると思います。 日本人のルーツは,大別して縄文人と弥生人の2種類だと言われますが,私には日本人の女性の顔はもっと多彩に感じられます。

1: Michibata Jessica (Age 28 -Model,talent) / 道端ジェシカ (27歳 -モデル,タレント)
Japan + Argentine & Italy / 【日本+アルゼンチン&イタリア 】

2: Hasegawa Jun (Age 26 -Model,talent) / 長谷川潤 (27歳 -モデル,タレント)
Japan + America / 【日本+アメリカ 】

mixed race model

3: Fuji Lena (Age 28 -Model) / 藤井リナ (28歳 -モデル,アーティスト,歌手。)
Japan + Japan&America / 【日本+日米ハーフ 】

4: Triendl Reina (Age 20 -Model, talent) / トリンドル 玲奈 (20歳 -モデル,タレント)
Japan + Australia / 【日本+オーストリア 】

mixed race model

5: Rola (Age 22 -Model,talent) / ローラ (22歳 -モデル,talent)
Bangladesh + Japan & Russia / 【バングラデシュ+日本&ロシア 】

6: LIZA (Age 23 -Model,talent) / リーザ (23歳 -モデル,タレント)
Japan + Germany / 【日本+ドイツ 】

mixed race model
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Maxi tube dress / Snidel レースロングベアワンピース


Long tube dress

Looking very gorgeous is this silk dress that comes in tube design. The gathers enhanced the airy and flowing features and the lace adds elegance. The pink is very sweet and feminine. Suitable for formal occasions, as a party dress or even evening dress.


シルクを使った,ベアのデザインで,とてもエレガントなハイウエストの切り替えワンピースです。 レースとギャザーが施されたふんわり感がフェミニンで女性らしさを演出します♪

14,910yen (~USD179) / 14,910円
Pink / ピンク

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Homemade face mask / 佐伯チズローションパック

How to get beautiful skin within 3 minutes with lotion pack.

Lotion pack, a pack process to moisturize the face using toner (lotion) and cottons is believed to work wonders for the skin and is very popular in Japan. Does this ring a bell as to why Japanese women has beautiful skin?

This video clip guides you through the procedures to a simple lotion pack. English translation is as below:

[Step 1] — Split the cotton into 5 pieces.

  1. Wet the cotton with water.
  2. Pour appropriate amount of toner into the cotton and mix well.
  3. Firstly, split the cotton into 2 pieces.
  4. Secondly, split the cotton of above no.3 into 3 pieces (pick the thicker one).
  5. Thirdly, split the remaining piece at no.3 into 2 pieces (in total, you have 5 pieces).

[Step 2] — Pack your face with cottons

  1. 1st piece- Stretch horizontally laying across the face, from the jaw to under eyes.
    *Leave a breathing space on the nose and mouth.
  2. 2nd piece- Stretch horizontally, lay it across the eyes to forehead, leaving openings for the eyes.
  3. 3rd piece & 4th pieces- Lay vertically from the eyes, overlapping the previous laid cottons.
  4. 5th piece- Stretch the cotton from the jaw to the neck.
  5. After everything is finished, press lightly with the palm to “adhere” the cotton to the face. Leave it on for 3 minutes.

[Step 3] — Removing the cottons 3 minutes later

  1. From forehead right up to the eyes, fold the cotton and press lightly.
  2. Do the same in order of the nose, mouth, right till the jaw.
  3. Next, fold the cotton into 2 at the jaw and pad the face with the cotton to blend in the toner.
  4. Lastly, use the palm to press lightly for deep absorption.
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Maxi dress style / マジェスティックレゴン (コーディネート)

Today’s fashion coordination pickup point will be something that is sweet and casual for maxi skirts fashion lovers.

『Majestic legon』からの春らしい,スウィート&カジュアルなマキシスカートスタイルコーデをピックアップしました。


Spring knit

A very sweet open-knit pointelle pullover that stands out with the emphasized wavy lines prints. A wide 5 color variations are available for choice.

★ ガーリーな波々ボーダー柄デザインの透かし編みニットプルオーバーです。豊富なカラーバリエーションが魅力です☆

4,095yen (~USD 49.20) / 4,095円
Navy, Beige, Pink, Ivory, Green / ネイビー,ベージュ, ピンク, アイボリー,グリーン

Maxi skirt/dress

Maxi dress will continue to stay on trend this year.
A dual way simple, soft chiffon maxi dress that can be worn as a maxi skirt too (like the coordinate in the picture). The gathered enhanced the flowing features and the fitted waist gives a flattering silhouette. This chic and causal style is a plus for daily wear.

★ 柔らかなシフォン素材のトレンドのマキシワンピースです。

4,725yen (~USD 56.90) / 4,725円
Pink, Ivory, Navy / ピンク, アイボリー,ネイビー

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Interesting iphone 4/4s cases / 面白いiphone 4/4s カバー

The famous delicious Japanese gourmets — (chirashizushi, dango, unagi, nikujyaga, taraba gani, oden, etc).

Could you actually tell that these are iphone cases? Look real don’t they? They are made by food samples craftsman (same as those food samples that you normally see at Japanese restaurants).

Maybe these do help in reducing the crave for hometown food, for Japanese who are currently residing in foreign countries ( v^-゚)

美味しそうな和食の数々! (*^-^*)


Strapya iphone4 ケース(日本料理)

Japanese gourmet iphone4/4s cases

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Elegant floral prints dress / パール刺繍付ワンピース

Japan fashion blog

Japanese fashion style / chiffon dress

A simple elegant dolman dress which makes a suitable dress for a date or even party. The vivid flower prints, pearls decorated at the front makes up a very sophisticated style, without exaggeration.

The material and nicely formed gathered gives an airy accent to the style.

『Royal Party』のシンプルで,エレガントなドルマンワンピースを紹介します☆
鮮やかな花柄プリントとフロントのパールビーズが,上品で女性らしいスタイルを演出します ♪

8,295yen (~USD101) / 8,295円
Beige, White / ベージュ,ホワイト

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March 11 Japan earthquake (Tōhoku) / 3.11東日本大震災

Was it a year ago? The big earthquake which amounted to a near 20 thousand deaths and people missing.

On that day, the seismograph registered an intensity 5 even in Tokyo. For the first time, I experienced such strong quake. I could recall that the building was swaying so much that I wouldn’t be surprised if it came tumbling down.

Though what I had experienced was nothing compared to people in Tohoku (Northeast) & Fukushima who lost their family members and homes due to the tusnami, the impact was so big that I could vividly remember until now.

Today, Japan’s TV host special program about 3.11. I was made to recall once again how powerless humans are towards earthquakes and tsunami, when painful images of the day were played.

I recalled Jupiter, a song by Ayaka Hirahara.
It was originally released in year 2003, but there was an increased dedication request recently, after the earthquake. It was said that this song somehow bring hopes to lots of people.



今日は一日中、テレビ朝日は, 3.11に関する特集番組を組んでいて、今も続いています。


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Natural fashion / エコロジーnatural

A few natural style fashion coordinates pickups from earth & music ecology, a popular brand in Japan.

人気のearth&music ecologyの『Natural label』のコーデをピックアップしてみました。


Fashion coordinate set 1


Fashion coordinate set 2

1. Short pant + three quarter sleeve cardigan + three quarter sleeve pull over + cat leather necklace / ショートパンツ + レーシーへム7分袖カーディガン + 7分袖プルオーバー + キャットレザーネックレス

Drawstring short pant + unique cardigan with laces and embroideries along edges + feminine pullover with laces along the hemline.

★ ウエストにリボン付きのショートパンツ + 裾にレースや刺繍をほどこしたユニークなカーディガン + ヘムラインにレースをあしらったフェミニンなピンタックプルオーバー

2. Chemical lace pull over + pant (suspender type) + tank top + 3 prints stole / ケミカルレース プルオーバー + サスペンダー パンツ + タンクトップ + 3プリントストール

Mid length chemical lace pullover, strewn with flower motif + tank top decorated with motif laces at the chest + loose pants that come with suspender + interesting 3 patterns combination stole

★ フラワーモチーフをちりばめ,ショート丈のケミカルレースプルオーバー + 胸元に モチーフレースがついたタンクトップ + ゆったりとしたサスペンダー付きストレートパンツ + 3つの柄を組んだ面白いストール。


Fashion coordinate set 3


Fashion coordinate set 4

3. Embroidery camisole + knitted cape poncho + sarouel pant + Embroidery tunic / 刺繍キャミソール + ケーブルニットポンチョ + サルエルパンツ + 刺繍チュニック

Camisole with lace on top + girly poncho that can act as a stole, with pompom pattern and fringe edges + denim sarouel pants + embroidered feminine V neck tunic, with a ribbon.

★ レースの切り替えデザインキャミソール + ストールとしても使えるポンポン模様と裾のフリンジが可愛いデザインのポンチョ + デニムサルエルパンツ + Vネックでリボン付き,繊細な刺しゅうがたっぷり,フェミニンなチュニック

4. Gaucho pant + three quarter sleeve cardigan / ガウチョパンツ + 7分袖カーディガン

Skirt-like gaucho with soft polka dot prints (suspender type) + detachable lace collared sweet cardigan.

★ ソフトなドット柄で,スカートの様なサスペンダー付きガウチョパンツ + レース襟を重ねたスイートカーディガンン

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Amulet / お守り

Japanese amulet, a gift from a friend who visited a shrine in kagawa prefecture. Do you know that every shrine in Japan has their own amulet design? You won’t be able to find two exactly same design amulets in different shrines.

“Character amulets” even have names. This one is known as “Cheerful smile”. He was designed base on the image of children who is known for their pureness and innocence. Sweet as his name is, he is believed to bring happiness to his owner.

Wish that the happiness stretches on though the time span for amulet is a year only.
Thank you, my dear friend for your souvenir.



とはいえ,有効期間は一年。短いなぁ ~
あ、欲張ってはいけませんね。ごめんなさい <(_ _)><(_ _)>

あっちゃん,お土産,ありがとう ( v^-゚)Thanks♪


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Gyaru fashion – Liz lisa / ギャル系 Liz lisa

For those gyaru fashion lovers out there, dresses and coordination set pickups from Liz lisa.

Liz lisa(リズ・リサ)ブランドのワンピースとコーデSetをピックアップしました。ギャル系ファションを求める人にぴったりだと思います♪


Floral print dress /


Collar floral print dress /

1. Floral print dress / 花柄ワンピース

This dress was featured in the Popteen March issue. Corset design waist, creates a beautiful silhouette. And rose printed chiffon material and sherbet color, adds sweetness and loveliness.

★ Popteen3月号に掲載された花柄ワンピースです。

9,345yen (~USD115.60) / 9,345円
White, Pink, Yellow-green / ホワイト,ピンク,イエローグリーン

2. Collar floral print dress / 襟つき花柄ワンピース

A piece of limited design dress with rose prints. Frill collar, bow tie and A line silhouette are meant to create a soft girly look style.

★ 限定デザインのローズ柄のプリントワンピースです。フリル襟とボウタイ,それにAラインシルエットがガーリールックスを演出♪

9,345yen (~USD115.60) / 9,345円
White, Pink / ホワイト,ピンク

SET (Camisole + knit + skirt-like shorts)
Love Pasterine SET (キャミ×ニット×スカパン)


Gingham check jumper skirt /

3. SET (Camisole + knit + skirt-like shorts) / Love Pasterine SET(キャミ + ニット + スカパン)

A popular girlish 3 piece sets. Top consists of the open-knit pointelle with strings at the back, paired with a camisole with cute ribbons on the shoulder. Pretty flower prints skirt-like pant, the current tend in Japan completes the set.

★ 人気のガーリーなコーディネート3点セットです。
背中ストリングの透かし編みニット+肩リボン付きスウィートキャミソール+春らしいフラワープリントスカパンのコンビネーションで軽やかなスタイルに ♪

9,975yen (~USD123.40) / 9,975円
White, Pink / ホワイト,ピンク

4. Gingham check jumper skirt / ギンガムチェックジャンスカ

A fluffy gingham check jumper skirt with a bit of volume looks extremely cute, and the addition of laces and ribbons add girlishness to the entire style.

★ ふんわりとしたボリュームがあるギンガムチェックジャンスカで可愛さをアピール ♪
レースやリボン付きトップスと合わせて,ガーリー度UP ☆

7,245yen (~USD89.70) / 7,245円
Medium blue, Beige, Pink / ミディアムブルー,ベージュ,ピンク

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