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洗い終わった後肌がしっとりしていて,ツルツルで,顔色も明るくなります ♪


lush power mask


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Hello Kitty Mascara / ハローキティ マスカラ

1,260yen (USD~16.50) / 1,260円
S01 Black / S01 ブラック

Its still up for grasp for those Hello Kitty fans out there. The Hello Kitty (package is of limited edition) Volum Express Hypercurl mascara from Maybelline.

Description: Volum Express Hypercurl mascara thickens the eyelashes thrice its volume. The curl technology ensures the curls keep and stay for as long as 18 hours and its ultra waterproof formula has strong resistant against water, sweat, tears.


メイベリンの【ボリューム エクスプレス ハイパーカール ウォータープルーフ】はまつげを濃くし,3倍*ボリームオン!さらに,ぐいっとリフトアップしたまつ毛を,しっかり18時間*カールキープ Σ(・ω・ノ)ノ

水・汗・涙に強いウォータープルーフタイプ o(*’▽’*)/☆゜

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Popular BB cream / 人気なBBクリーム

BB (blemish balm) cream which is used as a base make or concealer is extremely popular in Japan. My pick will be Evangelist BB cream because of the high ratings it got in the base make up category (pickup from @cosme). The common positive reviews of users are:

  • looks natural after application
  • spreads and blend evenly on the face
  • the moisturizing component keeps the skin from going dry even after long hours
  • my pores are well-covered.
  • makeup stays fresh even after sometime.


  • lナチュラルに仕上げる
  • 伸びがよく
  • 保湿成分も入っているので、夕方になっても乾燥したりすることはない
  • 毛穴をカバーしてくれる
  • 崩れにい

Ratings: 4.8

Evangelist BB cream / ★ エバンジェリスト BBクリーム

3,990yen (USD~52.50)

These data showing the skin type and age groups of the 2300 over users who use Evangelist BB cream was picked up from the same site. According to the data, combination skin which is the most difficult to take care of and users in age group early 30s tops the majority. Hope this information do serve as a useful reference to you.


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Hair extension wigs / salus エクステセット

If you are thinking of ways to have a different hairstyle everyday, without visiting the hairstylist, a good buy would be the DIY hair extension or wigs set that come with 10 items, allowing creation of different hairstyles. They save you bucks from visiting the hairstylist, yet let you look like a professional (^_-)

You are free to arrange into whatever styles that you like or even by combining a few wigs together to create a new look. Consider them for parties or events if you think they are too exaggerating for daily use.

5,990yen (USD ~78.20) / 5,990円
Honey brown, mix orange, shiny chestnut, caramel honey / ハニーブラウン,ミックスオレンジ,シャイニーマロン,キャラメルハニー


初めての人でもすぐに使え,色々なアレンジが楽しめます ☆
いくつか同時に使ってみるとまた違うイメージが出来るかも d(^o^)b ィィョ


Hair extensions, wigs (10 sets items)

Set content / セットの内容:

1: Magic pony tail (loose wave) / マジックポニーテール (ゆるウェイブ)
2: Rope Wig (volume curl) / ロープウィッグ (ボリュームカール)
3: Nape hairline extension (wave) / えりあしエクステ (ウェイブ)
4: Forelock wig (comes with side) / 前髪ウィッグ (サイド付きタイプ)
5: Braid extension / 三つ編みエクステ
6: Band pony / バンドポニー
7: Bunch donut / お団子ドーナッツ
8: Essence for wigs and extension / ウィッグ・エクステ専用エッセンス
9: Pins / アメピン
10: Case / 専用ケース

Posted in idea products (アイデア商品) Category: idea products (アイデア商品) | Tagged , | コメントは受け付けていません。 | Bookmark the permalink

Mask Pack / パック


Mask Pack / お風呂でホットチャージパック

525yen (3 sheets) / ¥525 (3枚)

Why not pack while indulging in the comfort of soaking in your bathtub? This is a new concept type of mask. As the pores opens up during soaking, this mask containing thick serum components which penetrates and moisturize the skin in a mere 5 minutes. A smooth and freshening skin is the result.

Three types of packs namely, hot-charge skin massage sheet, hot-charge relax aroma, hot-charge (each comes with 3 sheets) are available.

  • ★ Hot-charge skin massage sheet
    - Latest product
    - Includes massage capability for those looking to get rid of dullness of the face.
  • ★ Hot-charge skin relax aroma – Aroma for relaxation
  • ★ Hot-charge – First Generation of hot-charge

Feel free to inquire with us on the usage.



  • ★ お風呂でホットチャージ 「くすみ感用マッサージシート」
    - 新商品
    - くすみを解消するため,マッサージポイント付き
  • ★ お風呂でホットチャージ 「リラックスアロマの香り」 – アロマの香り付き
  • ★ お風呂でホットチャージ – 最初に出たものです。
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Top 3 moisturizers (Y2011) / 2011ベストコメ–乳液部門

The award pickups continues. My picks this time will be the Best 3 moisturizers award (skincare category) for Year 2011, as selected by @cosme. The awards went to the next 3 items. In addition, the skin type of users who use these products are being consolidated. Please refer to the graphs. Hope that these information will help you better in your choice of moisturizers.

2011年のベストコスメ大賞乳液部門には,次の3商品が選ばれました。 またこの3商品を使っている人たちの,肌質に関する回答の集計結果をアットコスメからピックアップしてきました。少しでも参考になれば幸いです。

Moisture milk III (Exage) /
★ モイスチュア ミルク III (エクサージュ)

Ratings: 5.4

Top 3 moisturizers award
Skin types summary

Summary of user's skin type who uses
Moisture milk III

Moisture milk II (Exage) /
★ モイスチュア ミルク II (エクサージュ)

Ratings: 5.1

Top 3 moisturizers award
Skin types summary

Summary of user's skin type who uses
Moisture milk II

Skin signature (SK-II)
★ スキン シグネチャー (SK-II)

Ratings: 4.9

Top 3 moisturizers award
Skin types summary

Summary of user's skin type who uses
Skin signature

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He She /彼 彼女

So they have became real women that there wasn’t a trace of evidence showing that they were males originally, at least not from their looks…
If it wasn’t the fact that they confessed about their genders in TV last time, I bet nobody will guess that they aren’t females RIGHT?
And yes, for your information, here in Japan, transgender is known as “New Half”.

二人とも女性そのもの、いや、本物の女性より女性らしいくらいです。男性の面影は全くありません ( ゚д゚)ハッ!

Haruna ai / はるな愛
She is a fashion model, talent but at the same time, a successful entrepreneur. Really envy the she has good skin.

★ 彼女はTVタレントとファッションモデルとして活躍しています。事業も手がけているそうです。肌がつやつやで、うらやましいですね。(*´∀`*)
He she

Tsubaki ayana / 椿姫彩菜
To me, she looks 100% female and very cute! Though I seldom seen her on TV these days, her profession is listed as fashion model and talent.

★ 本物の女性も顔負けの美しさ。そう思うのは私だけ?
He she

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Grand prix Top 3 Award (Y2011) / 2011総合大賞

Its time to update the once in a year Top 3 Best Cosmetic Awards announced by @cosme (a big cosmetic portal site in japan). The latest result came out this just a week ago and the grand prix award goes to the following 3 items:

3 cosmetics items
  • Dior Addict Lip Maximizer (3,675yen) — Dior
  • Detergent for Puffs and Sponges (105yen) — Daiso
  • Foundation Brush 131 (1,890yen) — Shiseido

For the first time, they even make the English version.

You might like to check out this link for further details.

Applicable products:- cosmetics,non medical products,make up kits,beauty supplements,beauty tools


  • ディオール アディクト リップ マキシマイザー (3,675円) — ディオール
  • パフ・スポンジ専用洗剤 (105円) — ザ・ダイソー
  • ファンデーションブラシ (1,890円) — 資生堂

対象商品:- 化粧品、医薬部外品、化粧小物、美容効果のあるサプリメント,美容器具


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Face up powder (II) / フェースアップパウダー (II)

This is a continuation of the article that I had touched on earlier about the face up power by kanebo. It will begin selling 2 weeks later for a limited period of time only. The next version will come out a year later if you miss out this one.

Here it is, if you would like to recall a little bit about the article.

Today I will touch on how to achieve the skin transparency look (radiant, glow) using this face up powder. This is picked up and translated with reference from kanebo site. Face up powder is applied only after base and foundation.

  • Step1 – With the powder puff, apply bit by bit by pressing lightly focusing on the cheek area.
    Tip for a longer lasting makeup: Apply from the bottom to top against the direction of downy hair.
  • Step 2 – Apply in the same manner as step 1 to the the cheek, bridge of the nose, areas around the nostril and mouth for a well-blended tone.
  • Step 3 – For delicate areas around the eyes, nostrils and corners around the mouth, fold the powder puff into half and apply.
  • Step 4 – Its complete as long as it feels smooth and not oily when touched. Use a clean brush or new powder puff to brush off residual powder.

On the issue whether its the Cosmetic Power that makes Japanese women shines, I will leave it to you to think about it (^_-)



これであなたも透明美肌!? 日本のコスメは素晴らしいと思います。男性の皆さんは要注意ですね。(゜▽゜*)♪

steps to powdering

powdering technique

Here is a little additional information that I picked up from the cosmetic portal site that might be of reference to you. It shows the skin type of the 1000 over users who use kanebo face up power and from the data, combination skin which is the most difficult to take care of tops the majority. Hope this information helps.


skin types of users

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Face up powder (I) / フェースアップパウダー (I)

face up powder

Face up powder produced by kanebo had enjoyed fame as one of the best cosmetics in year 2010 award by @cosme (data gathered from user’s feedback). The ratings to date is a 5.4 out of 7 (from total of 1127 reviews). It continues to show popularity through this year with high reviews from users who are using this product and it seems prior reservation must be made to obtain it (reservation period opened from June ~ Sep), but still, it will be opened up for purchases (limited) from mid dec.

Some of the positive comments were:

  • It gives the skin a sense of transparency (glowing, radiant).
  • It looks so natural after application.
  • Makeup stays fresh throughout the day
  • The fine-textured power helps in covering up the pores giving the skin a healthy look.

Every cosmetic no matter how good the quality is, depending on a person’s skin condition, it might not be suitable for every one. So there are bound to be negative comments. Here it goes:

  • Taking into consideration of its price (expensive), I don’t see how it does wonder to my face.
  • I disagreed on the part where it stay fresh throughout the day.
  • It seems too dry for the skin.

By the way, I certainly like the exquisite case design and the picture of an engraved angel on the powder. Actually, the design and color of the case changes (pink for Year 2011) every year and would you believe it(?), some people buy it for the sake of the CASE!!

But actually on top of the case, it seems there are some enhancement made to the powder. I will touch a bit on the characteristics (enhancement point) of faceup power for Year 2012 and points on how to obtain the radiant look on Part (II) . So do stay tune in.

12,600yen, inclusive of tax (~163USD)



  • 透明感がでて、肌が綺麗に見える
  • 化粧が崩れにい
  • テカらない
  • キメが細かい
  • カバー力がある


  • 値段や評価の割に良さが感じらない
  • 時間が経つにつれて崩れてしまい、崩れかたもすごく汚くなってしまった
  • 季節を問わず,肌が乾燥する


デザイン以外にも商品自体改善されているとのことで,とても期待ができる商品だと思います (≧▽≦)☆。

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« 9月    


ニックネーム: オリーブ





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