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Monthly Archives: 12月 2011

Cold feet / 足の冷え性対策

Cold feet is very common during the winter.
In Japan, room boots, worn in rooms to protect against cold feet are sold during the winter. If you are wondering about the effectiveness, I would say I couldn’t do without them anymore during the winter. Not only are the designs lovely and fashionable, the inner is made of boa and that’s the reason why they keep your feet warm. Below are some room boot pickups.

Contact us for further details on color, design and size.



1,680yen / ¥1,680
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Sakura Boutique / Sakura ブティック

This is another stylist boutique shop that is worth a mention. “SAKURA” as this shop is known as is just a mere 2mins walk away from the JR Chuo line mitaka (north exit), near to the cafe that I had introduced earlier. Besides fashion, the shop has a wide variety of accessories, interior and antiques goods for selection. According to the lady owner, making customer feel a sense of warmth and ease is the theme that she had her shop’s interior arranged into. The shop not only deals with lots of exotic and unique goods, prices are very affordable too, so it is definitely worth a visit.



“SAKURA SELECT SHOP” signboard greets you at the main entrance of the shop.

★ 『SAKURA SELECT SHOP』という看板が素敵です~

Coordination display that never fail to show up even at the side entrance. The owner takes pain to mix and match pieces from her shop.

★ 目を引くコーディネートの店外ディスプレー。オーナーのこだわりを感じます。

The exquisite coordination of the antique lights, accessories and interior goods give the interior a soothing effect.

★ アンティークな照明や雑貨,アクセサリーなどが落ち着いた雰囲気を醸し出しています 
(「  ̄ー ̄)

From accessories to bag to interior and antique goods, SAKURA offers a wide variation of goods for selection.

★ アクセサリーから,バック,雑貨やアンティークインテリアなど、いろんな商品があって楽しい ♪

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Autumn-like winter / 秋のような冬

Winter this year in tokyo is extremely warm. So warm that shots of the autumn trees were still possible in mid December which is especially true for ginkgo trees. Urbanization has not affected Tokyo badly. Trees blend in well with the bustling city and its people such that cherry blossoms viewing and autumn trees (maple, ginkgo,etc) can be widely enjoyed within the city itself.

The last of the autumn-like winter before gearing myself up for the real cold winter months ahead…



autumn trees
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LOWRYS FARM / ローリーズファーム

Some pickups from LOWRYS FARM again. Currently, they are having 20% storewide Christmas sale (selective stores). So hurry up to if you wouldn’t want to miss out on any of the good stuffs. Prices shown are original price.

Please inquire through our contact page.



5,145yen / ¥5,145
Navy, Claret, Beige / ネイビー,、ボルドー,ベージュ
3,645yen / ¥3,645
White, Beige / ホワイト,ベージュ
7,245yen / ¥7,245
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Illegal dumping / 不法投棄!?

The dismantled bicycle that I saw on my way to work few days ago was still around at the same spot this morning(゚ロ゚). In Japan, it is a must to purchase a garbage disposal ticket in order to dispose off bulky waste (Eco-friendly measures).
So, please refrain from illegal dumping!


dismantled bicycle
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Fashion coordinates /ファッションコーディネート

A few of my favorite natural styles from SM2. Layering skill is something that I am always struggling to learn even after so many years (・π・*)」?

重ね着テクニックは常に,勉強中です (・π・*)」?

Fashion coordinate set 1

Fashion coordinate set 1

Fashion coordinate set 1

Fashion coordinate 2

Fashion coordinate set 1

Fashion Coordinate set 3

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origami / 折り紙

From long ago, Origami (traditional Japanese art of paper folding) has been a part of the Japan culture.

★ 折り紙は昔から親しまれてきた,日本の伝統の遊びで,日本の文化とも言えます。

But without realizing it, toilet paper origami becomes a recent trend…
So you know what happen when someone stays inside the toilet for more than 30mins. (^_-)

★ しかし。。。
いつの間にか折り紙はトイレにまで広がりました。可愛いですが。。。後ろで待っている人のことも考えてくださいね (≧人≦●)

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Sunscreen / 日焼け止

Sunscreen or sunblock plays a very important role when it comes to anti-aging measures. Many brands of sunscreen are available in Japan. Today, I will just pickup two that enjoys high rating here.


Nivea Sun / ニベアサン (SPF30)

593yen (~USD7.70) / 80g

The top in ranking is “Nivea Sun” which is a product by KAO. For few years, it has been awarded as one of the Best Sunscreens in Japan. If you happen to be checking this article by chance, it will be good to know that Nivea sunscreen is probably easily obtainable in most part of the world and it is very affordable.

I will translate some common positive reviews about it from the users:

  • I like the fact it’s gel type and the face does not go white after application.
  • What I like most is the texture which doesn’t feel oily or even sticky on the face.
  • Special type of cleanser removal is not needed, which is a plus for me.
  • It feels so light on the skin that you don’t feel the application at all.
  • I don’t encounter skin irritation after using.

The amazing part is that I don’t really see much negative reviews from users out of the 2904 write-ins. I just pick up two for your information.

  • It feels just like water, thus I can’t use it as base for makeup.
  • I put it on during travelling to school. Though I repeated applications, my skin still turns dark (probably SPF30 isn’t enough during summer season?).



  • ジェルタイプで,白くならない
  • テクスチャーはさらさらしている,べたつかない
  • 落とすのも専用のクレンジングがいらないので使いやすいです
  • とても軽い使用感
  • 肌荒れもせずとても使いやすかった


  • ウォーターというだけあって、水のようにするんとした感じです。ですから,化粧下地としては私は駄目でした
  • 通学時に使ってました。何度も塗りなおしましたが、焼けちゃいました。

ALLIE by Kanebo, released 9 months ago is a more expensive version which is slowly gaining in popularity. Of course, the deserved to be mentioned point is that Kanebo is a very famous cosmetic company in Japan. Over the years, they had released many series of sunscreens and the series are constantly improving.


ALLIE / アリィー (SPF50)

2,940yen (~USD38) / 60g

Ok, here you go. These are the positive reviews from users.

  • Spreads and blend easily onto the face.
  • It doesn’t go white on the face and is not sticky consider its a SPF50.
  • In spite of its high SPF, its unexpectedly light on the face.
  • I don’t burn under the sun after application.

And not forgetting the negative review from users. Like the Nivea Sun, ALLIE also doesn’t have much negative reviews from the 1211 write-ins. Again, I picked up two.

  • It seems too drying for my face.
  • Applying mixture of the screen and foundation in a hurry make the face looks very dirty.

My Opinion:
I will reserve my comment for these two products since I have yet to give them a try. Speaking about preference, I will prefer SPF higher than what Nivea offers (30). I am currently using Annesa by Shiseido, which I am quite satisfied with the texture and how well it blends into my skin. I think I will stick to it for a while more and switch to ALLIE if I have chance.



  • 伸びがよく,塗ったらすぐに馴染む
  • テクスチャーはさらさらしている,べたつかない
  • SPF50なのに白くならないし、ベタベタ感なし
  • 高いSPFなのに想像以上に軽い付け心地
  • 半日外にいましたが焼けませんでした


  • 乾燥が気になり
  • 急いで化粧をしたいときに、これを顔全体に塗ってからパウダーファンデーションを使うと日焼け止めとパウダーファンデーションの粉が混ざって、ポロポロした垢みたいなものがでてきます。

私は両商品とも使ったことはないので,具体的なコメントはできませんが,個人な好み としては,どうしてもSPF30以上のものが欲しいです。今は,資生堂の『アネッサ』という商品を使っています。伸びが良く,塗ったらすぐに馴染むところが気に入っています。しばらく,『浮気』はしないと思いますが。。。機会があれば,アリィーを使ってみたいです。

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Lazy pot / イイカゲン鍋!?

No, your eyes are not playing trick on you. These clam shells known as “Meretrix lusoria” are GIANT compared to normal ones in the market and they taste quite good. Most convenient thing is that you don’t have to wait for the sand to be removed.

Simply love claypots during winter. They keep the body warm. Plus the fact that you can just dump basically anything that you have in your fridge is a big convenience for well,, you can call me LaZYBones, but the word I want to use is “BUSY PEOPLE” like me.

Though the picture doesn’t tell enough about the taste, fyi, the taste wasn’t bad at all. *WINK*

写真の貝は『白はまぐり』という貝です。実際ははまぐりとは無関係の『ホンビノスガ イ』という北アメリカ原産の貝らしい。でも見た目は大型のはまぐりで、味もなかなか。
砂抜き作業もいらないので(私がいつも砂抜き済みものを買っているから?)とても 便利です。

さて冬といえば鍋料理。体をぽかぽかにしてくれるので,最高です。今回はこの白ハマ グリがメインで、あとはただ冷蔵庫にある材料を片っ端から入れるだけ。
はい『イイ カゲン鍋』の出来上がり!
まさに怠け者の味方ですね \(^o^)/

今回は,麺の代わりに『すいとん』を入れました。写真ではわからないと思いますが,とて も美味しいんですよ (^_-)-☆
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Fashion coordinates /ファッションコーディネート

Sweet coordinates picked up from LOWRYS FARM — The perfect outfits for christmas dates (*^-^*)

  • Flare Jumper skirt
6,195yen (~USD80)
  • Argyle shawl cardigan
5,880yen (~USD76)

LOWRYS FARM (ローリーズファーム) のスウィートコーディネートで、クリスマスのデートにぴったり♥

  • フレアジャンパースカート
  • アーガイルショールカーディガン
  • Knit pullover
4,410yen (~USD57)
  • checked short
5,145yen (~USD63)
  • タテケーブルニットプルオーバー
  • チェックショートパンツ
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ニックネーム: オリーブ





Bridge-jpn(ブリッジ・ジャパン)では、海外在住の方のために、日本の商品の購入を 代行いたします。商品の海外転送サービスはもちろん、実際にお店に行ってお好みの商 品を見つける買い物代行サービスも行っております。お気軽にお問い合わせください。

Email: bjp-sales@ioss.jp

Bridge.jpn is a shopping agent in Japan. We offer Japan shopping services both online and in-store purchases for people residing overseas looking to buy Japanese products.
We also provide services to buy Ghibli museum tickets & fujiko f fujio museum tickets.

For detail about our services.