海外在住の方のために、日本の商品の購入をサポートします (海外転送、商品購入代行など)

Monthly Archives: 2月 2012

Japanese fashion style / ブラウス&スカート二点Set


Blouse and skirt 2 piece set

A good bargain with this blouse and skirt, 2 piece set.
The coordination is simple and sweet, and each is easy to match when used separately.
Set purchase is convenient and highly recommended for those wanting to save the hassle of coordination. d(^o^)b

5,250yen (USD~68.50) / 5,250円
Skirt: Brown, navy / スカート: ブラウン,ネイビー

『アンティローザ』からのお買得なブラウス&スカート二点Setを紹介します ☆
ブラウスとフレアスカートのコーデはシンプルでSweet ♪ 別々でも使いやすそう。。
コーディネートに悩みがちな人におすすめです d(^o^)b ィィんえ

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Tokyo collection 2012 SS 1/ 2012春夏東京コレクション 1

Since winter is about to make way for spring soon, here are some fashions on Tokyo collection 2012 spring and summer. These are picked up from the event, Tokyo collection known as “Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week TOKYO” (photos from Fashion Press).

For your information, Tokyo collection is a famous semi-annual event that takes place in Tokyo. Many top-name designers will display their new collections in this event and of course at the same time, it benefits the industry by announcing the latest trend for the season. As there are 25 designers involved, I will just pickup a few by Japanese fashion designer, Shida Tatsuya for this time.

ということで,2012春夏東京コレクション(「メルセデス・ベンツ ファッション・ウィーク 東京」)から,シダ タツヤさんの作品をピックアップしたいと思います。


シダ タツヤさんの作品は色鮮やかなポップなものからシックなモノトーンのもの,トレンチコート風の大人っぽいジャケットがあると思えば、ふんわりした素材の女の子らしいものまで,本当にバリエーションが豊富です。自由な感性が羨ましいですね。


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Japanese kid’s wear / 子供用の甚平

The Japanese style kid’s wear that my nephew is wearing in the picture is not known as “kimono”. The precise term is “jinbei”. I bought it for him hoping that he could wear something special (different from what kids normally wear) during Chinese New Year.

The response was overwhelmed, so that I felt shamelessly flattering, even though the credit should go to the “model” who earned the points for the attention. (*^-^*)

A change of topic from the children wear thing. Frankly speaking, the picture of my nephew reminded me of how adorable children are. Maybe using pictures of children could be an effective method to counter birth rate decline problems in developed countries??


お正月に甚平を着た甥が親戚の家に行くと,皆は『可愛い!』と大好評でした。なんだか自分が褒められた気分になりました(= ̄▽ ̄=)V やったね

甚平の話はさておいて,写真の甥っ子を見ていると,やっぱり子供は可愛いな~と思います。子供が欲しくなっちゃいませんか (〃▽〃)


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Embroidery frill dress / 刺繍フリルワンピース

Embroidery filled one-piece /


I must admit that I have a soft spot for anything that comes with embroideries and lace tops or dresses. The reason might be pieces with embroideries or laces actually look elegant and expensive!?

The design of this dotted embroidery frilled one-piece is very unique and modern, creating a Haute Couture image. In my personal opinion, the brand, Snidel always have some nice, unique design of embroidered one-piece that never fails to capture the heart.

Pre-ordering is necessary for this dress. Contact us for further information about this dress.

15,750yen (USD~207) / 15,750円
Black, Beige, White / ブラック,ベージュ,ワイト



詳しくは, 上の画像をクリックしてください。

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ニックネーム: オリーブ





Bridge-jpn(ブリッジ・ジャパン)では、海外在住の方のために、日本の商品の購入を 代行いたします。商品の海外転送サービスはもちろん、実際にお店に行ってお好みの商 品を見つける買い物代行サービスも行っております。お気軽にお問い合わせください。

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We also provide services to buy Ghibli museum tickets & fujiko f fujio museum tickets.

For detail about our services.