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Monthly Archives: 2月 2012

Sweet tulle dress / チュール切替ワンピース

Ray Cassin - チュール切替ワンピース

Sweet tulle dress

A very sweet and popular tulle dress. Pin tucks on the chest and collars design dresses is a recent trend for Japanese fashion. The design looks so lady-like and lovely. The high waist and tulle material combination is really unique.

『Ray Cassin』からの大人気のチュール素材のふんわりワンピースです。

5,985yen (~75.30 USD) / 5,985円
Off-white, Mint, Navy / オフホワイト,ミント,ネイビー

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Flo Cakes / フロ・プレステージュ ケーキ

There is this cake shop within the grounds of Chou line’s Mitaka station. The shop is selling freshly baked pies and tarts with generous toppings of fresh fruits, besides cakes. I love especially their tarts, but calories is my greatest enemy when I am on diet. I have since made efforts to “distant” myself from the shop for quite a while.

On valentine’s day, I decided “why not?” and went down to get myself a piece of cake and a tart.

TOOoooo satisfying, the cake and tart.
d(^o^)b A few rounds of extreme work-outs will follow next after I went home today -=≡ヘ(*・ω・)ノ

三鷹駅の構内で、FLO(プロ・プレステージュ)というスイーツの店があります。 ケーキを初め,新鮮なフルーツがたっぷり載ったタルトとパイの種類が多く,どれもとても美味しそうです (●^□^●)


や、やっぱりおいしい~! シアワ(●゚∀゚●)セ━!!!!
明日からまた“鉄の掟”復活。頑張って走りま~す -=≡ヘ(*・ω・)ノ

Doesn’t the cake box look artistic?

★ ボックもなかなかお洒落。

1. Red fruit custard tart / 赤いフルーツのカスタードタルト
Huge combination toppings of all sorts of berries. Strawberries, raspberries, dark cherries, red-currants, and mulberries. Too luxurious! *yummy*

★ 苺・フランボワーズ・ダークチェリー・アカスグリ・桑の実がたっぷりで,贅沢すぎる。
幸せ~ 。・:*:・( ̄∇ ̄人)。・:*:・

2. Chocolat amer / ショコラアメール
A very thick, concentrated chocolate cake that melts instantly in your mouth. The strong taste of melted chocolate “secretly spreads” to the entire mouth. Indescribable, the level of deliciousness!

★ 濃厚で,コクのあるチョコレートケーキ。 口の中で一瞬で溶けて,チョコレートの香りがぶわーっと広がる。美味しすぎる~

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Fashion coordinate / ファションコーディネート

VIS シングルジャケット&フロントダブルタッククロップトパンツ

Smart and casual Japanese fashion

A pickup of spring-like fashion style.
The combination of denim like material jacket and tuck cropped pant goes too well together. This cool, relaxing style is casual but very trendy without feeling out of place even at work.


Jacket / シングルジャケット

5,985yen (~76.30 USD) / 5,985円
Blue, Light blue / ブルー(44),サックスブルー(48)

Pant / ロップトパンツ

4,410yen (~56.20 USD) / 4,410円
Beige, Navy, Blue, Rose pink / ベージュ(27),ネイビー(40),サックスブルー(48),ローズピンク

Blouse / ブラス

3,990yen (~51 USD) / 3,990円
Gray, White, green / グレー,ワイト,グリン

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Japan McDonald’s / 日本のマクドナルド

All of a sudden, I felt like eating Mcdonald’s Teriyaki burger (Japan’s very own version). Oh yes, each country’s Mcdonald’s apart from regular ones, have their own extra version of burgers. The below made up the regular menu of Japan’s Mcdonald’s. So what are the varieties in your country?

Today is valentine day.
For all those lonely souls out there, why not treat yourself to a meal at Mcdonalds?

そういえば,マクドナルドのバーガーメニューは国によって定番以外は違うらしい。日本のマックのレギュラーメニューは以下の通りです。他の国のメニューも気になりますよね (゚ペ)?



1: Las Vegas burger *(Limited period) / ラスベガスバーガー *(期間限定)
2: Salt & lemon icon chicken / アイコンチキン ソルト&レモン
3: Double quarter pounder with cheese / ダブルクォーターパウンダー・チーズ
4: Quarter pounder with cheese / クォーターパウンダー・チーズ
5: Big Mac / ビッグマック
6: Double cheese burger / ダブルチーズバーガー
7: Bacon lettuce burger / ベーコンレタスバーガー
8: Teriyaki mac burger / てりやきマックバーガー
9: Prawn filet / えびフィレオ
10: Filet-o-fish / フィレオフィッシュ
11: Chicken filet / チキンフィレオ
12: Cheese burger / チーズバーガー
13: Mac pork / マックポーク
14: Hamburger / ハンバーガー

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Motif Dress / フラワーモチーフ切り替えワンピース


Motif Dress

This monotone dress looks very simple, yet graceful with the sheer flower motif that wraps the around the shoulder. The fitted waist which gives a flattering silhouette, looks very feminine, doesn’t it? Try adding a belt or accessories to enjoy small occasional changes of style.



12,810yen (~165 USD) / 12,810円
Off-white, Black / オフホワイト,ブラック

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Japanese women with young faces / 童顔女性芸能人

Its been known that Japanese women tend to look younger than their age. I couldn’t agreed more with it, after spending years of living here, “studying” the faces of Japanese women.

My “object of study” took place in trains, supermarkets, streets, restaurants and even television. Frankly I am not sure if its the power or makeups or eating habits or the skincare efforts that Japanese women in to stay young. I haven’t got a clue, but there are in fact many young looking pregnant women, mothers with children, elderly women with few wrinkles on face, young women with flawless skin and rosy cheeks.

This time round, I will introduce a few famous Japanese women whom I think look way below their age.

日本人の女性は実年齢より若く見えると言います。私は日本に何年も暮らしていますが,正直凄く共感できます。電車の中や町中で良く女性の顔を『観察』します(私も女性なのですが)。メイク力なのか,地道なスキンケアの成果なのか,それとも食べ物のせい? 確かに日本人の女性は若々しく見えます。日本に住み続ければ,いつの日か私も若々しく見えるようなるのでしょうか?( ̄∀ ̄;)


1: Aoi yu (Age 27 -Actress, model) / 蒼井優 (27歳 -女優,モデル)
Doesn’t Aoi yu look like a secondary school student? Most of the time, I was even wondering if she is wearing any makeups at all on national TV. It might sounds scary(?), I had a feeling that perhaps she never will age.

★ 中学生? と思えるほど若々しい蒼井優さんです。彼女をテレビで見ると,いつもほぼノーメイクのように感じます。彼女は人懐っこい顔が特徴ですが,ずっと少女のままのように若々しいですね (老化が止まちゃった?)。

2: Miyazaki aoi (Age 27 -Actress) / 宮崎あおい (27歳 -女優)
A face that is highly exposed in CM, dramas and movies. Many might think that Miyazaki aoi is still single because of her baby-face. Actually she was married, but got divorced only recently.

★ CM・ドラマや映画で大活躍の宮崎あおいさんです。とても子供っぽい顔が特徴ですが,実はもう結婚して,つい最近離婚までしてしまいました。


3: Ueto aya (Age 27 -Actress,singer,model) / 上戸彩 (27才 -女優,歌手,モデル)
Ueto aya is known as the “Queen of CM” since she appeared in many CM. Her pure and innocent looks could be a big factor to her popularity. She looks very fresh for a 27 years old.

★ CM女王の上戸彩さんです。清純なイメージが人気な秘密なんじゃないかと思います。27歳とは思えない爽やかさですね。

4: Ishihara satomi (Age 26 -Actress) / 石原さとみ (26歳 -女優)
Although Ishihara satomi looks very young, she had owned a big name in the entertainment, acting in many important in dramas. She has beautiful skin and full lips.

★ 若いながらも,実力派女優No.1と言われる石原さとみさんです。綺麗な肌とプックリとした唇が特徴です。


5: Inoue mao (Age 27 -Actress) / 井上真央 (25歳 -女優)
Inoue mao was made famous after appearing as the lead actress for dram “Boys over Flowers” (base on manga). Doesn’t she look cute?

★ 大人気の『花より男子』というドラマで,すっかり有名になった井上真央さん。可愛いですね♪

6: Fukada kyouko (Age 30 -Actress, singer, talent) / 深田恭子 (30歳 -女優,歌手、タレント)
Despite the fact that Fukada kyouko’s face is simply flawless and wrinkle-free. How could that be for a 30 years old?

★ 深キョンの愛称で親しまれる深田恭子さん。30歳なのに顔には全く皺が見えません。どういうことだろう? 羨ましい~


7: Adachi yumi (Age 31 -Actress,talent) / 安達祐実 (31歳 -女優、タレント)
Adachi yumi first made her appearance as a child star. It was said that her face stayed the same from childhood. But don’t be surprised that she was divorced with a child.

★ 童顔の代表,安達祐美さん。『子役時代から、顔が変わっていない』と言われます。こう見えても、彼女は一児の母なんですよ。離婚しちゃいましたが。

8: Asada mao (Age 21 Figure skater) / 浅田真央 (21歳 フィギュアスケート選手)
From age 15, Asada Mao, a figure skater has been representing Japan in many competitions. She was known as the “fairy on ice” from her lovely performance on ice and voted as “most favourite sports woman” in Japan.

★ 15歳の時から,フィギュアスケート日本代表として活躍している浅田真央さんです。その可愛くて可憐な演技から『氷の妖精』と言われます。オリコンによる「好きなスポーツ選手ランキング」の女性部門で,一位に選ばれました。


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Lip & cheek makeup / チーク・リップカラー

This limited edition (limited stock) dual purpose makeup for the cheek and lip is a new release.

Application on the lip adds a faint shade of red to it and the result is natural.
The trick to achieve a florid complexion or enhance the coloring is to use it as a base, prior to the application of cheek makeup or lip gloss.

Reviews are good, with many saying that the result was very natural although they were surprised by the “blood-color like” when they first opened up the cover.
To add-on, some users even use for their eye makeups.

In all, this is a really convenient multiple usage color enhancement makeup.

『マジョリカ マジョルカ』の『ブラッドオン』という数量限定発売の商品を紹介します。
キャッチコピーは“ほおに唇に、血色レアルレッドカラー” ということで、指で色を載せるだけでほんのりの赤みを増すことができるという商品です。


『赤みを増す』ということに特化した商品,ちょっと便利かも ♪

997yen (~USD12.90) / 950円

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Sweet baby doll dress / イング花柄ワンピース


Sweet flower prints spring dress

This sweet flower prints spring dress was featured in the famous Japanese magazine CanCam of March edition.

It is made of chiffon material and comes in the popular baby doll style.
The Scallop hem, puff sleeves, pin tucks are just so lovely. These are the details that enhanced sweetness to the dress overall. *NICE*



4,935yen (~USD65) / 4,935円
Off-white, Black, Yellow / オフホワイト,ブラック,イエロー

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Tokyo collection 2012 SS 2/ 2012春夏東京コレクション 2

This is a continuation of Tokyo collection 2012 spring summer that I had posted earlier.
This time round, I had picked up a few numbers by renown Japanese fashion designer known as “Matohu”.

Simple and neat, clear cut is how I think of Matohu’s work. These pieces are glamorous and they done a great job in enhancing the feminine side of woman. Also, choice of material and style are extremely natural such that it could be worn in daily life without feeling any bit of exaggeration.

I wonder if he sells these…

今日は,まとふさんの作品ををピック アップしたいと思います。



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Hello Kitty Mascara / ハローキティ マスカラ

1,260yen (USD~16.50) / 1,260円
S01 Black / S01 ブラック

Its still up for grasp for those Hello Kitty fans out there. The Hello Kitty (package is of limited edition) Volum Express Hypercurl mascara from Maybelline.

Description: Volum Express Hypercurl mascara thickens the eyelashes thrice its volume. The curl technology ensures the curls keep and stay for as long as 18 hours and its ultra waterproof formula has strong resistant against water, sweat, tears.


メイベリンの【ボリューム エクスプレス ハイパーカール ウォータープルーフ】はまつげを濃くし,3倍*ボリームオン!さらに,ぐいっとリフトアップしたまつ毛を,しっかり18時間*カールキープ Σ(・ω・ノ)ノ

水・汗・涙に強いウォータープルーフタイプ o(*’▽’*)/☆゜

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